Khalid Kaddoura
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Cited by
Evaluation of the critical factors causing sewer overflows through modeling of structural equations and system dynamics
SR Mohandes, AF Kineber, S Abdelkhalek, K Kaddoura, M Elsayed, ...
Journal of Cleaner Production 375, 134035, 2022
Condition prediction for cured-in-place pipe rehabilitation of sewer mains
I Bakry, H Alzraiee, ME Masry, K Kaddoura, T Zayed
Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities 30 (5), 04016016, 2016
Condition prediction for chemical grouting rehabilitation of sewer networks
I Bakry, H Alzraiee, K Kaddoura, M El Masry, T Zayed
Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities 30 (6), 04016042, 2016
An integrated assessment approach to prevent risk of sewer exfiltration
K Kaddoura, T Zayed
Sustainable cities and society 41, 576-586, 2018
Multiattribute utility theory deployment in sewer defects assessment
K Kaddoura, T Zayed, AH Hawari
Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering 32 (2), 04017074, 2018
Prediction of breaks in municipal drinking water linear assets
F Karimian, K Kaddoura, T Zayed, A Hawari, O Moselhi
Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice 12 (1), 04020060, 2021
Automated sewer inspection analysis and condition assessment
K Kaddoura
Concordia University, 2015
Defect-and component-based assessment model for manholes
K Kaddoura, T Zayed
Tunnelling and underground space technology 82, 380-393, 2018
Erosion void condition prediction models for buried linear assets
K Kaddoura, T Zayed
Journal of Pipeline Systems Engineering and Practice 10 (1), 04018029, 2019
The Level of Utilizing Water Pipeline Condition Assessment Tools by Public Owners: A Structured Survey
V Kaushal, K Kaddoura, S Adhikari, M Najafi
Pipelines 2022, 317-326, 0
Criticality model to prioritize pipeline rehabilitation decisions
K Kaddoura, T Zayed
Pipelines 2018, 75-85, 2018
Minimizing Underground Infrastructure Damages: Utility Locators’ Perspectives
AJ Al-Bayati, L Panzer, K Kaddoura
Pipelines 2020, 387-391, 2020
Optimized Maintenance Model for Wastewater Treatment Plants
K Kaddoura, T Zayed, Z Chen, A Qasem, S Atabay
Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 2020
Performance modeling for sewer networks
K Kaddoura
Concordia University, 2018
Intelligent optimized decision-support system for sewer network assets improvement
K Kaddoura, T Zayed
Journal of Infrastructure Systems 27 (4), 04021045, 2021
Smart and Automated Sewer Pipeline Defect Detection and Classification
K Kaddoura, J Atherton
Pipelines 2021, 2021
Integrated Reliability Assessment Model for Drinking Water Networks: A Case Study of the City of London, Canada
A Mohammed, K Kaddoura, T Zayed, O Moselhi, A Hawari
Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities 36 (5), 04022039, 2022
Assessment approach to evaluate the conditions of ductile iron (DI) water distribution pipelines
K Kaddoura, R Mady, A Lalonde
Proc., CSCE Annual Conf.: Growth with Youth. Point Claire, QC, Canada: CSCE, 2019
Developing a Decision-Support System to Optimize Rehabilitation and Replacement Programs for Ferrous Distribution Mains in Municipal Water Systems
K Kaddoura, B Gehrig, AJ Al-Bayati
Pipelines 2020, 290-300, 2020
The application of particle swarm optimization in sewer budget allocation
K Kaddoura, T Zayed
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Articles 1–20