Rachel Baskerville
Cited by
Cited by
Hofstede never studied culture
RF Baskerville
Accounting, organizations and society 28 (1), 1-14, 2003
A research note: the unfinished business of culture
RF Baskerville-Morley
Accounting, Organizations and Society 30 (4), 389-391, 2005
Charity transgressions, trust and accountability
CJ Cordery, RF Baskerville
Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations 22 …, 2011
The darkening glass: Issues for translation of IFRS
R Baskerville, L Evans
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Scotland, 2011
Colliding worlds: Issues relating to language translation in accounting and some lessons from other disciplines
L Evans, R Baskerville, K Nara
Abacus 51 (1), 1-36, 2015
Glocalization of accounting standards: Observations on neo-institutionalism of IPSAS
R Baskerville, G Grossi
Public Money & Management 39 (2), 95-103, 2019
Three models, one goal: Assessing financial vulnerability in New Zealand amateur sports clubs
CJ Cordery, D Sim, RF Baskerville
Sport Management Review 16 (2), 186-199, 2013
The experience of deep learning by accounting students
M Turner, R Baskerville
Accounting Education 22 (6), 582-604, 2013
Charity financial reporting regulation: a comparative study of the UK and New Zealand
CJ Cordery, RF Baskerville
Accounting History 12 (1), 7-27, 2007
Audit Expectation‐Performance Gap Revisited: Evidence from New Zealand and the United Kingdom. Part 2: Changes in the Gap in New Zealand 1989–2008 and in the United Kingdom …
B Porter, CÓ hÓgartaigh, R Baskerville
International Journal of Auditing 16 (3), 215-247, 2012
The effect of accounting firm mergers on the market for audit services: New Zealand evidence
R Baskerville, D Hay
Abacus 42 (1), 87-104, 2006
Control or collaboration? Contrasting accountability relationships in the primary health sector
C Cordery, R Baskerville, B Porter
Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 23 (6), 793-813, 2010
Audit expectation‐performance gap revisited: Evidence from New Zealand and the United Kingdom. Part 1: The gap in New Zealand and the United Kingdom in 2008
B Porter, C Ó hÓgartaigh, R Baskerville
International Journal of Auditing 16 (2), 101-129, 2012
Hegemony, stakeholder salience and the construction of accountability in the charity sector
CJ Cordery, RF Baskerville
Victoria University, Wellington, NZ, Centre for Accounting, Governance and …, 2005
Entering the accounting profession: the operationalization of ethnicity-based discrimination
G Huang, CJ Fowler, RF Baskerville
Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal 29 (8), 1342-1366, 2016
The association between partnership financial integration and risky audit client portfolios
DC Hay, RF Baskerville, TH Qiu
Auditing: A Journal of Practice & Theory 26 (2), 57-68, 2007
Due process failure in sector‐neutral accounting standard‐setting
RF Baskerville, S Pont Newby
Financial Accountability & Management 18 (1), 1-23, 2002
Accounting historians engaging with scholars inside and outside accounting: Issues, opportunities and obstacles
R Baskerville, N Carrera, D Gomes, A Lai, L Parker
Accounting History 22 (4), 403-424, 2017
The impact of globalization on professional accounting firms: Evidence from New Zealand
RF Baskerville, D Hay
Accounting History 15 (3), 285-308, 2010
A development agenda, the donor dollar and voluntary failure
D Sutton, R Baskerville, C Cordery
Accounting, Business & Financial History 20 (2), 209-229, 2010
The system can't perform the operation now. Try again later.
Articles 1–20