Jason Enia
Jason Enia
Professor & Chair, Political Science | Director, Center Disasters & Emergency Management
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Cited by
Peace in its wake? The 2004 tsunami and internal conflict in Indonesia and Sri Lanka
JS Enia
Journal of Public & International Affairs 19 (1), 7-27, 2008
Why do civil wars occur? Another look at the theoretical dichotomy of opportunity versus grievance
Z Taydas, J Enia, P James
Review of International Studies 37 (5), 2627-2650, 2011
The Health of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Regime
J Fields, JS Enia
Nonproliferation Review 16 (2), 173-196, 2009
The spotty record of the Hyogo Framework for Action: Understanding the incentives of natural disaster politics and policy making
J Enia
The Social Science Journal 50 (2), 213-224, 2013
The relative efficacy of the biological and chemical weapon regimes
J Enia, J Fields
The Nonproliferation Review 21 (1), 43-64, 2014
Sequencing Negotiating Partners: Implications for the Two‐Level Game?
JS Enia
Negotiation Journal 25 (3), 357-383, 2009
The formation of transnational knowledge networks on social media
C Wukich, MD Siciliano, J Enia, B Boylan
International Public Management Journal 20 (3), 381-408, 2017
Do contracts save lives? The relationship between contract intensive economies and natural disaster fatalities
J Enia
Risk, Hazards & Crisis in Public Policy 9 (1), 60-81, 2018
Rules versus discretion: Comparing disaster declaration institutions in the Philippines and Indonesia
J Enia
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction, 2016
Is there an international disaster risk reduction regime? Does it matter?
J Enia
Progress in Disaster Science 7, 100098, 2020
Regime type, peace, and reciprocal effects
J Enia, P James
Social Science Quarterly 96 (2), 523-539, 2015
Greasing the wheels of the nuclear nonproliferation regime: The political economy of nuclear suppliers group rules
J Enia
Journal for Peace and Nuclear Disarmament 3 (2), 385-397, 2020
Shaking the foundations of violent civil conflict: institutions, disasters, and the political economies of state-rebel interaction
JS Enia
University of Southern California, 2009
Explaining Dynamics and Stasis in the Nuclear Nonproliferation Regime: The Challenges of a Multiplicity of Public Goods
J Enia
State Behavior and the Nuclear Nonproliferation Regime, 2014
Between Promise and Delivery: Relief and Reconstruction after the 2003 Iranian Earthquake
JS Enia
Georgetown University. School of Foreign Service. Institute for the Study of …, 2006
The Progress of Earthquake Risk Reduction and Recovery in Turkey: From Marmara to Van
A Varol, J Enia
6th International Disaster and Risk Conference”, IDRC Davos 2016, 2016
Pandemic Pedagogy: Lessons from a Decade of Teaching About Disasters
J Enia
Active Learning in Political Science for a Post-pandemic World: From Triage …, 2022
Testing the Strength of Regional Cooperation. The Asian Financial Crisis as Threat or Opportunity
JS Enia, MP Karns
Annual Meeting of The American Political Science Association, 2000
On the Health of the Nuclear Nonproliferation Regime
J Enia, J Fields
New Perspectives 26 (1), 44-49, 2018
Global Disaster Politics
J Enia
Syllabus 4 (2), 1-18, 2015
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Articles 1–20