Gianluigi Viscusi
Cited by
Cited by
From data quality to big data quality
C Batini, A Rula, M Scannapieco, G Viscusi
Journal of Database Management (JDM) 26 (1), 60-82, 2015
Shaping public sector innovation theory: an interpretative framework for ICT-enabled governance innovation
G Misuraca, G Viscusi
Electronic Commerce Research 15, 303-322, 2015
GovQual: A quality driven methodology for E-Government project planning
C Batini, G Viscusi, D Cherubini
Government Information Quarterly 26 (1), 106-117, 2009
Information systems for eGovernment: A quality-of-service perspective
G Viscusi, C Batini, M Mecella
Springer Science & Business Media, 2010
Business models and complexity
L Massa, V Gianluigi, C Tucci
Journal of Business Models 6 (1), 59-71, 2018
Creating and capturing value through crowdsourcing
CL Tucci, A Afuah, G Viscusi
Oxford University Press, 2018
Compliance with open government data policies: An empirical assessment of Italian local public administrations
G Viscusi, B Spahiu, A Maurino, C Batini
Information polity 19 (3-4), 263-275, 2014
Conceptualising value creation in data-driven services: The case of vehicle data
C Kaiser, A Stocker, G Viscusi, M Fellmann, A Richter
International Journal of Information Management 59, 102335, 2021
Is open data enough?: E-governance challenges for open government
G Misuraca, G Viscusi
International Journal of Electronic Government Research (IJEGR) 10 (1), 18-34, 2014
Interoperability challenges for ICT-enabled governance: Towards a pan-European conceptual framework
G Misuraca, G Alfano, G Viscusi
Journal of theoretical and applied electronic commerce research 6 (1), 95-111, 2011
Assessing social value in open data initiatives: a framework
G Viscusi, M Castelli, C Batini
Future Internet 6 (3), 498-517, 2014
A semantic repository approach to improve the government to business relationship
M Palmonari, G Viscusi, C Batini
Data & Knowledge Engineering 65 (3), 485-511, 2008
Digital governance in the public sector: challenging the policy-maker's innovation dilemma
G Misuraca, G Viscusi
Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Theory and Practice of …, 2014
Digital information asset evaluation: Characteristics and dimensions
G Viscusi, C Batini
Smart Organizations and Smart Artifacts: Fostering Interaction Between …, 2014
Three’sa crowd?
G Viscusi, CL Tucci
Oxford University Press, 2018
Innovation capacity and the role of information systems: a qualitative study
A Achi, C Salinesi, G Viscusi
Journal of Management Analytics 3 (4), 333-360, 2016
Pattern detection for conceptual schema recovery in data‐intensive systems
M Zanoni, F Perin, FA Fontana, G Viscusi
Journal of Software: Evolution and Process 26 (12), 1172-1192, 2014
A Multi‑Level Framework for ICT‑Enabled Governance: Assessing the Non‑Technical Dimensions of'Government Openness'
M Gianluca
Electronic Journal of e-government 9 (2), pp152‑165-pp152‑165, 2011
The many faces of information and their impact on information quality
C Batini, M Palmonari, G Viscusi
AISB/IACAP World Congress 2012-Information Quality, 212-228, 2012
Information technology governance in public organizations
L Rusu, V Gianluigi
Integrated Series in Information Systems, 2017
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Articles 1–20