Victoria Medvec
Victoria Medvec
Adeline Barry Davee Professor of Management and Organizations, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University
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The experience of regret: what, when, and why.
T Gilovich, VH Medvec
Psychological review 102 (2), 379, 1995
When less is more: counterfactual thinking and satisfaction among Olympic medalists.
VH Medvec, SF Madey, T Gilovich
Journal of personality and social psychology 69 (4), 603, 1995
The illusion of transparency: biased assessments of others' ability to read one's emotional states.
T Gilovich, K Savitsky, VH Medvec
Journal of personality and social psychology 75 (2), 332, 1998
The spotlight effect in social judgment: an egocentric bias in estimates of the salience of one's own actions and appearance.
T Gilovich, VH Medvec, K Savitsky
Journal of personality and social psychology 78 (2), 211, 2000
The temporal pattern to the experience of regret.
T Gilovich, VH Medvec
Journal of personality and social psychology 67 (3), 357, 1994
The distortion of information during decisions
JE Russo, VH Medvec, MG Meloy
Organizational behavior and human decision processes 66 (1), 102-110, 1996
Predecisional distortion of product information
JE Russo, MG Meloy, VH Medvec
Journal of Marketing Research, 438-452, 1998
Effect of temporal perspective on subjective confidence.
T Gilovich, M Kerr, VH Medvec
Journal of personality and social psychology 64 (4), 552, 1993
Varieties of regret: A debate and partial resolution.
T Gilovich, VH Medvec, D Kahneman
Psychological Review 105 (3), 602, 1998
Commission, omission, and dissonance reduction: Coping with regret in the" Monty Hall" problem
T Gilovich, VH Medvec, S Chen
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 21 (2), 182-190, 1995
Disconnecting outcomes and evaluations: the role of negotiator focus.
AD Galinsky, T Mussweiler, VH Medvec
Journal of personality and social psychology 83 (5), 1131, 2002
The dissatisfaction of having your first offer accepted: The role of counterfactual thinking in negotiations
AD Galinsky, VL Seiden, PH Kim, VH Medvec
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 28 (2), 271-283, 2002
When doing better means feeling worse: The effects of categorical cutoff points on counterfactual thinking and satisfaction.
VH Medvec, K Savitsky
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 72 (6), 1284, 1997
The Communication Orientation Model Explaining the Diverse Effects of Sight, Sound, and Synchronicity on Negotiation and Group Decision-Making Outcomes
RI Swaab, AD Galinsky, V Medvec, DA Diermeier
Personality and Social Psychology Review 16 (1), 25-53, 2012
Remembering and regretting: The Zeigarnik effect and the cognitive availability of regrettable actions and inactions
K Savitsky, VH Medvec, T Gilovich
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 23 (3), 248-257, 1997
Personality and Social Psychology
K Savitsky, VH Medvec, T Gilovich
" What, Me Worry?": Arousal, Misattribution, and the Effect of Temporal Distance on Confidence
K Savitsky, VH Medvec, AE Charlton, T Gilovich
Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin 24 (5), 529-536, 1998
In fairness to future generations: The role of egocentrism, uncertainty, power, and stewardship in judgments of intergenerational allocations
KA Wade-Benzoni, M Hernandez, V Medvec, D Messick
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 44 (2), 233-245, 2008
The spotlight effect revisited: Overestimating the manifest variability of our actions and appearance
T Gilovich, J Kruger, VH Medvec
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 38 (1), 93-99, 2002
Failing to act: Regrets of Terman's geniuses
INTL. J 40 (3), 175-185.1995, 1995
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Articles 1–20