Zhi-Wei Liu
Zhi-Wei Liu
School of Artificial Intelligence and Automation, Huazhong University of Science and Technology
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Cited by
Synchronization of complex dynamical networks with time-varying delays via impulsive distributed control
ZH Guan, ZW Liu, G Feng, YW Wang
Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers, IEEE Transactions on 57 (8), 2182-2195, 2010
Distributed event-triggered scheme for economic dispatch in smart grids
C Li, X Yu, W Yu, T Huang, ZW Liu
IEEE Transactions on Industrial informatics 12 (5), 1775-1785, 2015
Consensus of multi-agent networks with aperiodic sampled communication via impulsive algorithms using position-only measurements
ZW Liu, ZH Guan, X Shen, G Feng
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 57 (10), 2639-2643, 2012
Impulsive consensus algorithms for second-order multi-agent networks with sampled information
ZH Guan, ZW Liu, G Feng, M Jian
Automatica, 2012
Pulse-modulated intermittent control in consensus of multiagent systems
ZW Liu, X Yu, ZH Guan, B Hu, C Li
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics: Systems 47 (5), 783-793, 2016
Adaptive consensus-based robust strategy for economic dispatch of smart grids subject to communication uncertainties
G Wen, X Yu, ZW Liu, W Yu
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics 14 (6), 2484-2496, 2017
Health status assessment and remaining useful life prediction of aero-engine based on BiGRU and MMoE
Y Zhang, Y Xin, Z Liu, M Chi, G Ma
Reliability Engineering & System Safety 220, 108263, 2022
Delayed impulsive control for consensus of multiagent systems with switching communication graphs
ZW Liu, G Wen, X Yu, ZH Guan, T Huang
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 50 (7), 3045-3055, 2019
Input-to-state stability of switched linear systems with unstabilizable modes under DoS attacks
YW Wang, ZH Zeng, XK Liu, ZW Liu
Automatica 146, 110607, 2022
Predefined-time formation tracking control of networked marine surface vehicles
CD Liang, MF Ge, ZW Liu, G Ling, F Liu
Control Engineering Practice 107, 104682, 2021
Voltage control for distribution networks via coordinated regulation of active and reactive power of DGs
X Hu, ZW Liu, G Wen, X Yu, C Liu
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 11 (5), 4017-4031, 2020
Hierarchical controller-estimator for coordination of networked Euler–Lagrange systems
MF Ge, ZW Liu, G Wen, X Yu, T Huang
IEEE transactions on cybernetics 50 (6), 2450-2461, 2019
Plug-in free web-based 3-D interactive laboratory for control engineering education
W Hu, Z Lei, H Zhou, GP Liu, Q Deng, D Zhou, ZW Liu
IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics 64 (5), 3808-3818, 2016
Discrete-communication-based bipartite tracking of networked robotic systems via hierarchical hybrid control
TF Ding, MF Ge, ZW Liu, YW Wang, HR Karimi
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Regular Papers 67 (4), 1402-1412, 2020
Leader–follower flocking based on distributed event‐triggered hybrid control
P Yu, L Ding, ZW Liu, ZH Guan
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 26 (1), 143-153, 2016
Formation-containment control of multiple underactuated surface vessels with sampling communication via hierarchical sliding mode approach
ZW Liu, H Hou, YW Wang
ISA transactions 124, 458-467, 2022
Distributed secondary control for voltage regulation and optimal power sharing in DC microgrids
Y Dou, M Chi, ZW Liu, G Wen, Q Sun
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 30 (6), 2561-2572, 2022
Recent progress on the study of distributed economic dispatch in smart grid: an overview
G Wen, X Yu, Z Liu
Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering 22 (1), 25-39, 2021
Secure consensus of multiagent systems via impulsive control subject to deception attacks
ZW Liu, YL Shi, H Yan, BX Han, ZH Guan
IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II: Express Briefs 70 (1), 166-170, 2022
Asynchronous impulsive containment control in switched multi-agent systems
C Li, X Yu, ZW Liu, T Huang
Information Sciences 370, 667-679, 2016
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Articles 1–20