Kelly O. McNamara
Kelly O. McNamara
Associate Professor of Practice, University of Tennessee at Chattanooga
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Cited by
Information exchange and use in GSS and verbal group decision making: Effects of minority influence
AR Dennis, KM Hilmer, NJ Taylor
Journal of Management Information Systems 14 (3), 61-88, 1997
Research note: Individual cognition and dual-task interference in group support systems
WG Heninger, AR Dennis, K McNamara
Information Systems Research 17 (4), 415-424, 2006
From Monologue to Dialogue: Performative Objects to Promote Collective Mindfulness in Computer-Mediated Team Discussions.
AM Curtis, AR Dennis, KO McNamara
MIS Quarterly 41 (2), 559-581, 2017
Stimulating thinking: Cultivating better decisions with groupware through categorization
K McNamara Hilmer, AR Dennis
Journal of Management Information Systems 17 (3), 93-114, 2000
It's the thought that counts: The mediating effects of information processing in virtual team decision making
K McNamara, AR Dennis, TA Carte
Information Systems Management 25 (1), 20-32, 2008
Effects of e-textbook instructor annotations on learner performance
AR Dennis, S Abaci, AS Morrone, J Plaskoff, KO McNamara
Journal of Computing in Higher Education 28, 221-235, 2016
Patterns in electronic brainstorming
AR Dennis, A Pinsonneault, K McNamara Hilmer, H Barki, B Galupe, ...
International Journal of e-Collaboration (IJeC) 1 (4), 38-57, 2005
Stimulating thinking in group decision making
KM Hilmer, AR Dennis
Proceedings of the 33rd Annual Hawaii International Conference on System …, 2000
Improving learning with etextbooks
AR Dennis, KO McNamara, AS Morrone, J Plaskoff
2015 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 5253-5259, 2015
Mechanism‐Based Diagnostic Reasoning: Thoughts on Teaching Introductory Clinical Pathology
HS Bender, BB Lockee, JA Danielson, EM Mills, GD Boon, JK Burton, ...
Veterinary Clinical Pathology 29 (3), 77-83, 2000
Design for maintenance: how KMS document linking decisions affect maintenance effort and use
AR Dennis, BM Samuel, K McNamara
Journal of Information Technology 29 (4), 312-326, 2014
Stimulating thinking in decision making: Cultivating better decisions with groupware one individual at a time
KM Hilmer, AR Dennis
Journal of Management Information Systems 17 (3), 93-114, 2001
Supporting learning processes with collaboration technologies: A brief look at past research and challenges that lie ahead
N Kock, K Hilmer, C Standing, S Clark
Journal of Systems and Information Technology 4 (1), 1-7, 2000
Encouraging Ethical Behavior in Organizations: Punishment as Magnitude of Consequences
K Hilmer, S Richardson, J Courtney
Improving individual decision making in groups
K Hilmer, A Dennis
AMCIS 1999 Proceedings, 122, 1999
Stimulating thinking in group decision making symposium conducted at the meeting of the 33rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences
KM Hilmer, AR Dennis
Hawaii, 2000
Compliance with codes of ethical conduct: The effects of authority and proximity on ethical reasoning
SM Richardson, KM Hilmer, JF Courtney
Proceedings of the 38th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System …, 2005
Cognitive interference in computer-mediated group decision making
WG Heninger, AR Dennis, K McNamara
TR142-1. Indiana University. Retrieved on, 07-06, 2006
Use of collaborative technologies in distributed work: a case study.
F Belanger, K McNamara Hilmer
IRMA Conference, 259-263, 2000
Computer‐Supported Cooperative Work
AR Dennis, K McNamara
Wiley Encyclopedia of Management, 1-4, 2015
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Articles 1–20