Laura Mazzei
Laura Mazzei
PhD student in Physics, Chalmers University of Technology
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Cited by
Structure and dehydration mechanism of the proton conducting oxide Ba 2 In 2 O 5 (H 2 O) x
J Bielecki, SF Parker, L Mazzei, L Börjesson, M Karlsson
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 4 (4), 1224-1232, 2016
Local structure and vibrational dynamics in indium-doped barium zirconate
L Mazzei, A Perrichon, A Mancini, G Wahnström, L Malavasi, SF Parker, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 7 (13), 7360-7372, 2019
Local structure and vibrational dynamics of proton conducting Ba 2 In 2 O 5 (H 2 O) x
A Perrichon, M Jiménez-Ruiz, L Mazzei, SMH Rahman, M Karlsson
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 7 (29), 17626-17636, 2019
Structure and Conductivity of Epitaxial Thin Films of In-Doped BaZrO3-Based Proton Conductors
L Mazzei, M Wolff, D Pergolesi, JA Dura, L Börjesson, P Gutfreund, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120 (50), 28415-28422, 2016
The role of oxygen vacancies on the vibrational motions of hydride ions in the oxyhydride of barium titanate
C Eklöf-Österberg, L Mazzei, EJ Granhed, G Wahnström, ...
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 8 (13), 6360-6371, 2020
Local Coordination of Protons in In- and Sc-Doped BaZrO3
L Mazzei, A Perrichon, A Mancini, L Malavasi, SF Parker, L Börjesson, ...
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123 (43), 26065-26072, 2019
Phonon spectra of pure and acceptor doped BaZrO3 investigated with visible and UV Raman spectroscopy
L Mazzei, D Rukser, F Biebl, B Grimm-Lebsanft, G Neuber, D Pergolesi, ...
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 32 (40), 405403, 2020
The effect of cation substitution on the local coordination of protons in Ba2In1. 85M0. 15O6H2 (M= In, Ga, Sc and Y)
L Mazzei, F Piccinelli, M Bettinelli, SF Parker, M Karlsson
Solid State Ionics 365, 115624, 2021
Protons in In-doped BaZrO3: incorporation, distribution and local environments
L Mazzei
Licentiate Thesis. Dept. of Phys., Chalmers Univ. of Tech.(Gothenburg, Sweden), 2016
Neutron Reflectivity in Corrosion Research on Metals
M Karlsson, LG Johansson, L Mazzei, J Froitzheim, M Wolff
ACS Materials Au 4 (4), 346-353, 2024
Local structure of hydrated nanocrystalline films of the proton conductor BaZr< inf> 1-x</inf> Sc< inf> x</inf> O< inf> 3-x/2</inf> studied by infrared
E Naumovska, G Nzulu, L Mazzei
Vibrational Spectroscopy 130, 103622, 2024
Local structure of hydrated nanocrystalline films of the proton conductor BaZr1-xScxO3-x/2 studied by infrared spectroscopy
E Naumovska, GK Nzulu, L Mazzei, A Le Febvrier, K Komander, ...
Vibrational Spectroscopy 130, 103622, 2024
Local structure and dynamics of proton and hydride-ion conducting perovskite type oxides
L Mazzei
PQDT-Global, 2019
Local structure and vibrational dynamics of proton conducting Ba₂In₂O₅ (H₂O) ₓ
A Perrichon, M Jiménez-Ruiz, L Mazzei, SMH Rahman, M Karlsson
Raman Spectroscopy
J Marzi, E Brauchle, DA Carvajal Berrio, S Layland, K Schenke-Layland
Structure and dehydration mechanism of the proton conducting brownmillerite Ba2In2O5
M Karlsson, J Bielecki, SF Parker, L Börjesson, L Mazzei, A Perrichon
Acta Crystallographica Section A: Foundations and Advances 72, s73-s74, 2016
Structure and dehydration mechanism of the proton conducting oxide Ba₂In₂O₅ (H₂O) ₓ
J Bielecki, SF Parker, L Mazzei, L Börjesson, M Karlsson
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Articles 1–17