Victoria Basolo
Cited by
Cited by
Neighborhood physical conditions and health
DA Cohen, K Mason, A Bedimo, R Scribner, V Basolo, TA Farley
American journal of public health 93 (3), 467-471, 2003
The effects of confidence in government and information on perceived and actual preparedness for disasters
V Basolo, LJ Steinberg, RJ Burby, J Levine, AM Cruz, C Huang
Environment and behavior 41 (3), 338-364, 2009
Long-term effects of homeownership on the self-perceptions and social interaction of low-income persons
WM Rohe, V Basolo
Environment and Behavior 29 (6), 793-819, 1997
Understanding the neighborhood: From residents’ perceptions and needs to action
V Basolo, D Strong
Housing Policy Debate 13 (1), 83-105, 2002
Does mobility matter? The neighborhood conditions of housing voucher holders by race and ethnicity
V Basolo, MT Nguyen
Taylor & Francis Group 16 (3-4), 297-324, 2005
Opposition to affordable housing in the USA: Debate framing and the responses of local actors
MT Nguyen, V Basolo, A Tiwari
Housing, Theory and Society 30 (2), 107-130, 2013
Communicating flood risk: Looking back and forward at traditional and social media outlets
D Feldman, S Contreras, B Karlin, V Basolo, R Matthew, B Sanders, ...
International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction 15, 43-51, 2016
The tenure trap: The vulnerability of renters to joint natural and technological disasters
RJ Burby, LJ Steinberg, V Basolo
Urban Affairs Review 39 (1), 32-58, 2003
US regionalism and rationality
V Basolo
Urban Studies 40 (3), 447-462, 2003
Going beyond the flood insurance rate map: Insights from flood hazard map co-production
A Luke, BF Sanders, KA Goodrich, DL Feldman, D Boudreau, A Eguiarte, ...
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 18 (4), 1097-1120, 2018
City spending on economic development versus affordable housing: Does inter-city competition or local politics drive decisions?
V Basolo
Journal of Urban Affairs 22 (3), 317-332, 2000
Collaborative modeling with fine‐resolution data enhances flood awareness, minimizes differences in flood perception, and produces actionable flood maps
BF Sanders, JE Schubert, KA Goodrich, D Houston, DL Feldman, ...
Earth's Future 8 (1), e2019EF001391, 2020
Examining mobility outcomes in the housing choice voucher program: Neighborhood poverty, employment, and public school quality
V Basolo
Cityscape, 135-153, 2013
Cities and economic development: Does the city limits story still apply?
V Basolo, C Huang
Economic Development Quarterly 15 (4), 327-339, 2001
State innovations in affordable housing policy: Lessons from California and New Jersey
V Basolo, CP Scally
Housing Policy Debate 19 (4), 741-774, 2008
Obstacles to regional housing solutions: A comparison of four metropolitan areas
V Basolo, D Hastings
Journal of urban affairs 25 (4), 449-472, 2003
The influence of hazard maps and trust of flood controls on coastal flood spatial awareness and risk perception
D Houston, W Cheung, V Basolo, D Feldman, R Matthew, BF Sanders, ...
Environment and Behavior 51 (4), 347-375, 2019
The impacts of intercity competition and intergovernmental factors on local affordable housing expenditures
V Basolo
Housing Policy Debate 10 (3), 659-688, 1999
Integrating resident digital sketch maps with expert knowledge to assess spatial knowledge of flood risk: A case study of participatory mapping in Newport Beach, California
W Cheung, D Houston, JE Schubert, V Basolo, D Feldman, R Matthew, ...
Applied Geography 74, 56-64, 2016
Residential mobility of low-income, subsidized households: a synthesis of explanatory frameworks
V Basolo, A Yerena
Housing Studies 32 (6), 841-862, 2017
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Articles 1–20