Samuel G. Pearson
Samuel G. Pearson
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Queensland
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Cited by
A multivariate analysis of women's mating strategies and sexual selection on men's facial morphology
TR Clarkson, MJ Sidari, R Sains, M Alexander, M Harrison, V Mefodeva, ...
Royal Society Open Science 7 (1), 191209, 2020
Cross-national differences in willingness to believe conspiracy theories
MJ Hornsey, S Pearson
Current Opinion in Psychology 47, 101391, 2022
Multivariate intra-sexual selection on men’s perceptions of male facial morphology
V Mefodeva, MJ Sidari, H Chau, B Fitzsimmons, G Antoine, TR Clarkson, ...
Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology 6, 143-169, 2020
Multinational data show that conspiracy beliefs are associated with the perception (and reality) of poor national economic performance
MJ Hornsey, S Pearson, J Kang, K Sassenberg, J Jetten, PAM Van Lange, ...
European Journal of Social Psychology 53 (1), 78-89, 2023
Is facial structure an honest cue to real-world dominance and fighting ability in men? A pre-registered direct replication of
NR Caton, SG Pearson, BJW Dixson
Evolution and Human Behavior 43 (4), 314-324, 2022
A political experiment may have extracted Australia from the climate wars
MJ Hornsey, CM Chapman, KS Fielding, WR Louis, S Pearson
Nature Climate Change 12 (8), 695-696, 2022
Investigating the impact of critical thinking instruction on writing performance: A multilevel modelling analysis of relative gain data in the Australian national assessment …
YM Leibovitch, DJ Brown, S Pearson, C Mazzola, PJ Ellerton, G Watt
Thinking Skills and Creativity 53, 101546, 2024
What happens on call doesn’t stay on call. The effects of in-house call on acute care surgeons’ sleep and burnout: results of the surgeon performance (SuPer) trial
JJ Coleman, CK Robinson, W von Hippel, KE Holmes, J Kim, S Pearson, ...
Annals of surgery 278 (4), 497-505, 2023
Perceptions of climate change threat across 121 nations: The role of individual and national wealth
MJ Hornsey, S Pearson
Journal of Environmental Psychology, 102338, 2024
Benevolent sexism and the traditional sexual script as predictors of sexual dissatisfaction in heterosexual women from the US
S Bonell, H Lee, S Pearson, E Harris, FK Barlow
Archives of Sexual Behavior 51 (6), 3063-3070, 2022
Interactions across the ages: How concerns about warmth and competence impact age-based stereotype threat in the workplace.
C von Hippel, S Pearson, S Coulon, AG Adams, H Zacher
Psychology and Aging, 2023
Multivariate intra-sexual selection on men’s perceptions of male facial morphology. Adaptive Human Behavior and Physiology
V Mefodeva, MJ Sidari, H Chau, B Fitzsimmons, G Antoine, TR Clarkson
Publicly expressed climate scepticism is greatest in regions with high CO2 emissions
S Pearson, MJ Hornsey, S Rekker, B Wade, C Greig
Climatic Change 177 (5), 2024
Dual Mating Strategies Observed in Male Clients of Female Sex Workers
J Butterworth, S Pearson, W von Hippel
Human Nature 34 (1), 46-63, 2023
A re-analysis that replicated a replication: Rejoinder to Třebický, Havlíček, and Kleisner (2022)
NR Caton, SG Pearson, BJW Dixson
Evolution and Human Behavior 44 (2), 161-167, 2023
Erotic AI Chatbots Offer Research Opportunities for the Behavioral Sciences
S Pearson, C Curtis
Archives of Sexual Behavior, 1-4, 2025
Darwinian Grandparenting Redux: a Pre-registered Replication and Extension
S Pearson, W von Hippel
Evolutionary Psychological Science 8 (3), 351-362, 2022
Is facial structure an honest cue to real-world dominance and fighting Is facial structure an honest cue to real-world dominance and fighting Trebicky et al.(2013)
NR Caton, SG Pearson, BJW Dixson
EVOLUTION AND HUMAN BEHAVIOR 43 (4), 314-324, 2022
Multinational Data Show That Conspiracy Beliefs Are Associated With the Perception (and Reality) of Poor National Economic Performance
J Jetten, M Peker Booth, PAM Van Lange, K Sassenberg, J Kang, ...
Wiley, 2022
Divergent thinking predicts persuasion and humour
S Pearson
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Articles 1–20