Tanisha Jowsey
Tanisha Jowsey
Associate Professor Academic Medicine, Bond University
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Blended learning via distance in pre-registration nursing education: A scoping review
T Jowsey, G Foster, P Cooper-Ioelu, S Jacobs
Nurse education in practice 44, 102775, 2020
The experience of living with chronic heart failure: a narrative review of qualitative studies
YH Jeon, SG Kraus, T Jowsey, NJ Glasgow
BMC health services research 10, 1-9, 2010
Multimorbidity and comorbidity of chronic diseases among the senior Australians: prevalence and patterns
MM Islam, JM Valderas, L Yen, P Dawda, T Jowsey, IS McRae
PloS one 9 (1), e83783, 2014
Strategic approaches to enhanced health service delivery for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people with chronic illness: a qualitative study
C Aspin, N Brown, T Jowsey, L Yen, S Leeder
BMC health services research 12, 1-9, 2012
Effective virtual patient simulators for medical communication training: a systematic review
J Lee, H Kim, KH Kim, D Jung, T Jowsey, CS Webster
Medical education 54 (9), 786-795, 2020
Achieving a balanced life in the face of chronic illness
YH Jeon, T Jowsey, L Yen, NJ Glasgow, B Essue, M Kljakovic, ...
Australian Journal of Primary Health 16 (1), 66-74, 2010
Time spent on health related activities associated with chronic illness: a scoping literature review
T Jowsey, L Yen
BMC public health 12, 1-12, 2012
Challenges for co-morbid chronic illness care and policy in Australia: a qualitative study
T Jowsey, YH Jeon, T Usherwood, NJ Glasgow, M Kljakovic, P Dugdale
Australia and New Zealand health policy 6 (1), 2009
Time and chronic illness: a narrative review
T Jowsey
Quality of life research 25, 1093-1102, 2016
What motivates Australian health service users with chronic illness to engage in self‐management behaviour?
T Jowsey, C Pearce‐Brown, KA Douglas, L Yen
Health Expectations 17 (2), 267-277, 2014
Time to care? Health of informal older carers and time spent on health related activities: an Australian survey
T Jowsey, I McRae, J Gillespie, M Banfield, L Yen
BMC Public Health 13, 1-10, 2013
Time’s up. Descriptive epidemiology of multi-morbidity and time spent on health related activity by older Australians: A time use survey
T Jowsey, IS McRae, JM Valderas, P Dugdale, R Phillips, R Bunton, ...
PloS one 8 (4), e59379, 2013
Perceptions of purpose, value, and process of the mini-Clinical Evaluation Exercise in anesthesia training
DJ Castanelli, T Jowsey, Y Chen, JM Weller
Deakin University, 2016
Clinical learning environments: place, artefacts and rhythm
D Sheehan, T Jowsey, M Parwaiz, M Birch, P Seaton, S Shaw, A Duggan, ...
Medical Education 51 (10), 1049-1060, 2017
Effective communication is crucial to self-management: the experiences of immigrants to Australia living with diabetes
T Jowsey, J Gillespie, C Aspin
Chronic Illness 7 (1), 6-19, 2011
Informal care and the self-management partnership: implications for Australian health policy and practice
BM Essue, T Jowsey, YH Jeon, M Mirzaei, CL Pearce-Brown, C Aspin, ...
Australian Health Review 34 (4), 414-422, 2010
The flip side of speaking up: a new model to facilitate positive responses to speaking up in the operating theatre
J Long, T Jowsey, A Garden, K Henderson, J Weller
British Journal of Anaesthesia 125 (6), 1099-1106, 2020
Consultations with complementary and alternative medicine practitioners by older Australians: results from a national survey
L Yen, T Jowsey, IS McRae
BMC complementary and alternative medicine 13, 1-8, 2013
General-purpose thematic analysis: a useful qualitative method for anaesthesia research
T Jowsey, C Deng, J Weller
BJA education 21 (12), 472-478, 2021
Experiencing integration: a qualitative pilot study of consumer and provider experiences of integrated primary health care in Australia
M Banfield, T Jowsey, A Parkinson, KA Douglas, P Dawda
BMC Family Practice 18, 1-12, 2017
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Articles 1–20