Annabelle Wilson
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Cited by
Reliability and relative validity of a child nutrition questionnaire to simultaneously assess dietary patterns associated with positive energy balance and food behaviours …
AM Wilson, AM Magarey, N Mastersson
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity 5 (1), 5, 2008
Developing and maintaining public trust during and post-COVID-19: can we apply a model developed for responding to food scares?
J Henderson, PR Ward, E Tonkin, SB Meyer, H Pillen, D McCullum, ...
Frontiers in public health 8, 369, 2020
Trust in and through labelling–a systematic review and critique
E Tonkin, AM Wilson, J Coveney, T Webb, SB Meyer
British Food Journal 117 (1), 318-338, 2015
How the media places responsibility for the COVID-19 pandemic—An Australian media analysis
T Thomas, A Wilson, E Tonkin, ER Miller, PR Ward
Frontiers in public health 8, 483, 2020
Consumer trust in the Australian food system–the everyday erosive impact of food labelling
E Tonkin, T Webb, J Coveney, SB Meyer, AM Wilson
Appetite 103, 118-127, 2016
Managing uncertainty about food risks–Consumer use of food labelling
E Tonkin, J Coveney, SB Meyer, AM Wilson, T Webb
Appetite 107, 242-252, 2016
The process of making trust related judgements through interaction with food labelling
E Tonkin, SB Meyer, J Coveney, T Webb, AM Wilson
Food policy 63, 1-11, 2016
Attitudes and characteristics of health professionals working in Aboriginal health
AM Wilson, AM Magarey, M Jones, K O'Donnell, J Kelly
Rural and remote health 15 (1), 1-14, 2015
Addressing uncomfortable issues: reflexivity as a tool for culturally safe practice in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health
A Wilson
The Australian Journal of Indigenous Education 43 (2), 218-230, 2014
A model for (re) building consumer trust in the food system
AM Wilson, E Withall, J Coveney, SB Meyer, J Henderson, D McCullum, ...
Health promotion international 32 (6), 988-1000, 2017
The role of social media in communication about food risks: views of journalists, food regulators and the food industry
J Henderson, AM Wilson, T Webb, D McCullum, SB Meyer, J Coveney, ...
British Food Journal 119 (3), 453-467, 2017
Role of Aboriginal Health Workers and Liaison Officers in quality care in the Australian acute care setting: a systematic review
T Mackean, E Withall, J Dwyer, A Wilson
Australian Health Review 44 (3), 427-433, 2020
The role of the media in construction and presentation of food risks
J Henderson, A Wilson, SB Meyer, J Coveney, M Calnan, D McCullum, ...
Health, Risk & Society 16 (7-8), 615-630, 2014
Working together in Aboriginal health: a framework to guide health professional practice
AM Wilson, J Kelly, M Jones, K O’Donnell, S Wilson, E Tonkin, A Magarey
BMC health services research 20, 1-11, 2020
Resetting the narrative in Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander nutrition research
A Wilson, R Wilson, R Delbridge, E Tonkin, C Palermo, J Coveney, ...
Current Developments in Nutrition 4 (5), nzaa080, 2020
Consumers respond to a model for (re) building consumer trust in the food system
E Tonkin, AM Wilson, J Coveney, SB Meyer, J Henderson, D McCullum, ...
Food Control 101, 112-120, 2019
Working at the interface in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health: focussing on the individual health professional and their organisation as a means to address health equity
AM Wilson, J Kelly, A Magarey, M Jones, T Mackean
International Journal for Equity in Health 15, 1-12, 2016
Reliability of Questionnaires to Assess the Healthy Eating and Activity Environment of a Child′ s Home and School
A Wilson, A Magarey, N Mastersson
Journal of obesity 2013 (1), 720368, 2013
Trust makers, breakers and brokers: building trust in the Australian food system
A Wilson, J Coveney, J Henderson, S Meyer, M Calnan, M Caraher, ...
BMC Public Health 13, 1-7, 2013
How food regulators communicate with consumers about food safety
AM Wilson, SB Meyer, T Webb, J Henderson, J Coveney, D McCullum, ...
British Food Journal 117 (8), 2129-2142, 2015
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Articles 1–20