Christy Harris Lemak, PhD FACHE
Cited by
Cited by
Expanding the definition of access: it isn't just about health insurance
AG Hall, CH Lemak, H Steingraber, S Schaffer
Journal of Health Care for the Poor and Underserved 19 (2), 625-638, 2008
Career inflection points of women who successfully achieved the hospital CEO position
DW Sexton, CH Lemak, JA Wainio
Journal of Healthcare Management 59 (5), 367-384, 2014
The quality of surgical care in safety net hospitals: a systematic review
CA Mouch, SE Regenbogen, LR Sha'Shonda, SL Wong, CH Lemak, ...
Surgery 155 (5), 826-838, 2014
A leadership development program for surgeons: first-year participant evaluation
JC Pradarelli, GA Jaffe, CH Lemak, MW Mulholland, JB Dimick
Surgery 160 (2), 255-263, 2016
Managed care and technical efficiency in outpatient substance abuse treatment units
JA Alexander, JRC Wheeler, TA Nahra, CH Lemak
The Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research 25, 377-396, 1998
Designing a leadership development program for surgeons
GA Jaffe, JC Pradarelli, CH Lemak, MW Mulholland, JB Dimick
journal of surgical research 200 (1), 53-58, 2016
Michigan’s fee-for-value physician incentive program reduces spending and improves quality in primary care
CH Lemak, TA Nahra, GR Cohen, ND Erb, ML Paustian, D Share, ...
Health Affairs 34 (4), 645-652, 2015
The effects of managed care on administrative burden in outpatient substance abuse treatment facilities
JA Alexander, CH Lemak
Medical Care 35 (10), 1060-1068, 1997
Managed care and outpatient substance abuse treatment intensity
CH Lemak, JA Alexander
The Journal of Behavioral Health Services & Research 28, 12-29, 2001
Navigating patient navigation: crossing health services research and clinical boundaries
VA Parker, C Harris Lemak
Biennial review of health care management, 149-183, 2011
Organizational determinants of outpatient substance abuse treatment duration in women
CI Campbell, JA Alexander, CH Lemak
Journal of substance abuse treatment 37 (1), 64-72, 2009
Strategy as Simple Rules: Understanding success in a rural clinic
CH Lemak, E Goodrick
Health Care Management Review 28 (2), 179-188, 2003
Tailored treatment in the outpatient substance abuse treatment sector: 1995–2005
JA Alexander, TA Nahra, CH Lemak, H Pollack, CI Campbell
Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment 34 (3), 282-292, 2008
Changes in per member per month expenditures after implementation of Florida's Medicaid reform demonstration
JS Harman, CH Lemak, M Al‐Amin, AG Hall, RP Duncan
Health services research 46 (3), 787-804, 2011
Do licensing and accreditation matter in outpatient substance abuse treatment programs?
R Wells, CH Lemak, JA Alexander, TA Nahra, Y Ye, CI Campbell
Journal of substance abuse treatment 33 (1), 43-50, 2007
Insights from a national survey into why substance abuse treatment units add prevention and outreach services
R Wells, CH Lemak, TA D'Aunno
Substance abuse treatment, prevention, and policy 1, 1-10, 2006
Collaboration to improve services for the uninsured: exploring the concept of health navigators as interorganizational integrators
CH Lemak, C Johnson, EE Goodrick
Health Care Management Review 29 (3), 196-206, 2004
A positive deviance perspective on hospital knowledge management: analysis of Baldrige Award recipients 2002-2008
JR Griffith, KM Fear, E Lammers, J Banaszak-Holl, CH Lemak, K Zheng
Journal of Healthcare Management 58 (3), 187-203, 2013
Resource-based view on safety culture’s influence on hospital performance: The moderating role of electronic health record implementation
S Upadhyay, R Weech-Maldonado, CH Lemak, A Stephenson, T Mehta, ...
Health care management review 45 (3), 207-216, 2020
Managed care penetration in outpatient substance abuse treatment units
JA Alexander, CH Lemak
Medical Care Research and Review 54 (4), 490-507, 1997
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Articles 1–20