Anand Swaminathan
Anand Swaminathan
Goizueta Professor of Organization & Management, Emory University
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Why the microbrewery movement? Organizational dynamics of resource partitioning in the US brewing industry
GR Carroll, A Swaminathan
American journal of sociology 106 (3), 715-762, 2000
Mining email social networks
C Bird, A Gourley, P Devanbu, M Gertz, A Swaminathan
Proceedings of the 2006 international workshop on Mining software …, 2006
Framing interorganizational network change: A network inertia perspective
TY Kim, H Oh, A Swaminathan
Academy of management review 31 (3), 704-720, 2006
Asset divestiture following horizontal acquisitions: A dynamic view
L Capron, W Mitchell, A Swaminathan
Strategic management journal 22 (9), 817-844, 2001
Cosmetic, speculative, and adaptive organizational change in the wine industry: A longitudinal study
J Delacroix, A Swaminathan
Administrative science quarterly, 631-661, 1991
Organizational evolution in the interorganizational environment: Incentives and constraints on international expansion strategy
X Martin, A Swaminathan, W Mitchell
Administrative Science Quarterly, 566-601, 1998
Environmental conditions at founding and organizational mortality: A trial-by-fire model
A Swaminathan
Academy of management journal 39 (5), 1350-1377, 1996
Density dependence versus population dynamics: An ecological study of failings in the California wine industry
J Delacroix, A Swaminathan, ME Solt
American Sociological Review, 245-262, 1989
The proliferation of specialist organizations in the American wine industry, 1941-1990
A Swaminathan
Administrative science quarterly, 653-680, 1995
Resource partitioning and the evolution of specialist organizations: The role of location and identity in the US wine industry
A Swaminathan
Academy of management journal 44 (6), 1169-1185, 2001
The organizational ecology of strategic groups in the American brewing industry from 1975 to 1990
GR Carroll, A Swaminathan
Industrial and corporate change 1 (1), 65-97, 1992
Recreating and extending Japanese automobile buyer'supplier links in north America
X Martin, W Mitchell, A Swaminathan
Strategic Management Journal 16 (8), 589-619, 1995
Organizational processes of resource partitioning
GR Carroll, SD Dobrev, A Swaminathan
Research in organizational behavior 24, 1-40, 2002
Institutions and international business
W Henisz, A Swaminathan
Journal of International Business Studies 39 (4), 537-539, 2008
The diffusion of foreign divestment from Burma
SA Soule, A Swaminathan, L Tihanyi
Strategic Management Journal 35 (7), 1032-1052, 2014
Open borders? immigration in open source projects
C Bird, A Gourley, P Devanbu, A Swaminathan, G Hsu
Fourth International Workshop on Mining Software Repositories (MSR'07: ICSE …, 2007
Social Movement Theory and the Evolution of New Organizational Forms.
A Swaminathan, JB Wade
Academy of Management Proceedings 1999 (1), I1-I6, 1999
Modularity and the impact of buyer–supplier relationships on the survival of suppliers
G Hoetker, A Swaminathan, W Mitchell
Management science 53 (2), 178-191, 2007
Normative and resource flow consequences of local regulations in the American brewing industry, 1845-1918
JB Wade, A Swaminathan, MS Saxon
Administrative Science Quarterly, 905-935, 1998
Entry into new market segments in mature industries: Endogenous and exogenous segmentation in the US brewing industry
A Swaminathan
Strategic management journal 19 (4), 389-404, 1998
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Articles 1–20