Pedro G Bizarro
Pedro G Bizarro
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Cited by
Proactive re-optimization
S Babu, P Bizarro, D DeWitt
Proceedings of the 2005 ACM SIGMOD international conference on Management of …, 2005
Adaptive query processing in the looking glass
S Babu, P Bizarro
Proceedings of the Second Biennial Conference on Innovative Data Systems …, 2005
Machine learning methods to detect money laundering in the bitcoin blockchain in the presence of label scarcity
J Lorenz, MI Silva, D Aparício, JT Ascensão, P Bizarro
Proceedings of the first ACM international conference on AI in finance, 1-8, 2020
How can I choose an explainer? An application-grounded evaluation of post-hoc explanations
S Jesus, C Belém, V Balayan, J Bento, P Saleiro, P Bizarro, J Gama
Proceedings of the 2021 ACM conference on fairness, accountability, and …, 2021
Timeshap: Explaining recurrent models through sequence perturbations
J Bento, P Saleiro, AF Cruz, MAT Figueiredo, P Bizarro
Proceedings of the 27th ACM SIGKDD conference on knowledge discovery & data …, 2021
Content-based routing: Different plans for different data
P Bizarro, S Babu, D DeWitt, J Widom
Proceedings of the 31st international conference on Very large data bases …, 2005
A performance study of event processing systems
MRN Mendes, P Bizarro, P Marques
Performance Evaluation and Benchmarking: First TPC Technology Conference …, 2009
Interleaved sequence RNNs for fraud detection
B Branco, P Abreu, AS Gomes, MSC Almeida, JT Ascensão, P Bizarro
Proceedings of the 26th ACM SIGKDD international conference on knowledge …, 2020
Progressive parametric query optimization
P Bizarro, N Bruno, DJ DeWitt
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering 21 (4), 582-594, 2008
A framework for performance evaluation of complex event processing systems
MRN Mendes, P Bizarro, P Marques
Proceedings of the second international conference on Distributed event …, 2008
Turning the tables: Biased, imbalanced, dynamic tabular datasets for ml evaluation
S Jesus, J Pombal, D Alves, A Cruz, P Saleiro, R Ribeiro, J Gama, ...
Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 35, 33563-33575, 2022
Scalable proactive event-driven decision making
A Artikis, C Baber, P Bizarro, C Canudas-de-Wit, O Etzion, F Fournier, ...
IEEE Technology and Society Magazine 33 (3), 35-41, 2014
GuiltyWalker: Distance to illicit nodes in the Bitcoin network
C Oliveira, J Torres, MI Silva, D Aparício, JT Ascensão, P Bizarro
arXiv preprint arXiv:2102.05373, 2021
Automatic model monitoring for data streams
F Pinto, MOP Sampaio, P Bizarro
arXiv preprint arXiv:1908.04240, 2019
Promoting fairness through hyperparameter optimization
AF Cruz, P Saleiro, C Belém, C Soares, P Bizarro
2021 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM), 1036-1041, 2021
Bicep-benchmarking complex event processing systems
P Bizarro
Schloss-Dagstuhl-Leibniz Zentrum für Informatik, 2007
LaundroGraph: Self-supervised graph representation learning for anti-money laundering
M Cardoso, P Saleiro, P Bizarro
Proceedings of the Third ACM International Conference on AI in Finance, 130-138, 2022
An integrated data management approach to manage health care data
D Guerra, U Gawlick, P Bizarro
Proceedings of the Third ACM International Conference on Distributed Event …, 2009
Human-AI collaboration in decision-making: beyond learning to defer
D Leitão, P Saleiro, MAT Figueiredo, P Bizarro
arXiv preprint arXiv:2206.13202, 2022
FairGBM: Gradient Boosting with Fairness Constraints
AF Cruz, C Belém, J Bravo, P Saleiro, P Bizarro
International Conference on Learning Representations, 2023
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Articles 1–20