Hooi Ling Lee
Cited by
Cited by
Green synthesis of mesoporous anatase TiO2 nanoparticles and their photocatalytic activities
Sunderishwary S. Muniandy, Noor Haida Mohd Kaus, Zhong-Tao Jiang ...
RSC Advances 7, 48083–48094, 2017
Advanced nickel nanoparticles technology: From synthesis to applications
MBH Jaji, N., Lee, H. L., Hussin, M. H., Akil, H. M., Zakaria, M. R., and Othman
Nanotechnology Reviews 9 (1), 1456-1480, 2020
Conventional Technology and Nanotechnology in Wood Preservation: A Review
HLL Teck-Jin Teng, Mohamad Nasir Mat Arip, Kumar Sudesh, Anna Nemoikina ...
BioResources 13 (4), 2018
Molecular descriptors that influence the amount of drugs transfer into human breast milk.
S Agatonovic-Kustrin, LH Ling, SY Tham, RG Alany
Journal of pharmaceutical and biomedical analysis 29 (1-2), 103, 2002
Facile green synthesis of ytrium-doped BiFeO3 with highly efficient photocatalytic degradation towards methylene blue
NSA Satar, R Adnan, HL Lee, SR Hall, T Kobayashi, MHM Kassim, ...
Ceramics International 45 (13), 15964-15973, 2019
Thermal and optical properties of CdS nanoparticles in thermotropic liquid crystal monomers
HL Lee, IA Mohammed, M Belmahi, MB Assouar, H Rinnert, M Alnot
Materials 3 (3), 2069-2086, 2010
Synthesis and characterizations of bare CdS nanocrystals using chemical precipitation method for photoluminescence application
HL Lee, AM Issam, M Belmahi, MB Assouar, H Rinnert, M Alnot
Journal of Nanomaterials 2009 (1), 914501, 2009
Titanium dioxide/polyvinyl alcohol/cork nanocomposite: a floating photocatalyst for the degradation of methylene blue under irradiation of a visible light source
NH Mohamad Idris, J Rajakumar, KY Cheong, BJ Kennedy, T Ohno, ...
ACS omega 6 (22), 14493-14503, 2021
A titanium dioxide/nitrogen-doped graphene quantum dot nanocomposite to mitigate cytotoxicity: synthesis, characterisation, and cell viability evaluation
P Ramachandran, CY Lee, RA Doong, CE Oon, NTK Thanh, HL Lee
RSC advances 10 (37), 21795-21805, 2020
Investigation of the post-annealing electromagnetic response of Cu–Co oxide coatings via optical measurement and computational modelling
BZD M. Mahbubur Rahman, Hussein A. Miran, Zhong-Tao Jiang, Mohammednoor ...
RSC Advances 7, 16826-16835, 2017
Synthesis of SnO2 nanoparticles via hydrothermal method and their gas sensing applications for ethylene detection
MAM Akhir, SA Rezan, K Mohamed, MM Arafat, A Haseeb, HL Lee
Materials Today: Proceedings 17, 810-819, 2019
Synthesis of Tin Oxide Nanostructures Using Hydrothermal Method and Optimization of its Crystal Size by Using Statistical Design of Experiment
Procedia Chemistry 19, 993-998, 2016
Interpretation of valence band photoemission spectra at organic-metal interfaces
JMT L. Giovanelli, F. C. Bocquet, P. Amsalem, H.-L
Physical Review B, 035413, 2013
Sensitive detection of trace level Cd (II) triggered by chelation enhanced fluorescence (CHEF) “turn on”: Nitrogen-doped graphene quantum dots (N-GQDs) as fluorometric paper …
PJ Puttaraksa Naksen, Siwaluck Boonruang, Nunthawan Yuenyong, Hooi Ling Lee ...
Talanta 242, 2022
Study of structural properties and defects of Ni-doped SnO2 nanorods as ethanol gas sensors
V Inderan, MM Arafat, S Kumar, A Haseeb, ZT Jiang, M Altarawneh, ...
Nanotechnology 28 (26), 265702, 2017
Synthesis of SnO2 Nanorods via Low Temperature Hydrothermal Method
HLL V. Inderan, S-Y. Lim, T-S. Ong, N. Braidy , S. Bastien
, Superlattices and Microstructures 88, 392-402, 2015
Buoyant titanium dioxide (TiO2) as high performance photocatalyst and peroxide activator: A critical review on fabrication, mechanism and application
NHM Idris, KY Cheong, BJ Kennedy, T Ohno, HL Lee
Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 10 (3), 107549, 2022
Detailed photocatalytic study of alkaline titanates and its application for the degradation of methylene blue (MB) under solar irradiation
NEPMAHLL Farook Adam, Nur Ruzaina Abdul Rahman, Lingeswarran Muniandy
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 375, 219-230, 2019
Structural Thermal Stability of Graphene Oxide-Doped Copper ??Cobalt Oxide Coatings as a Solar Selective Surface
BZD M. Mahbubur Rahman, Zhong-Tao Jiang,Chun-Yang Yin, Lee Siang Chuah,Hooi ...
Journal of Materials Science & Technology 32, 13, 2016
N-doped graphene quantum dots/titanium dioxide nanocomposites: A study of ROS-forming mechanisms, cytotoxicity and photodynamic therapy
P Ramachandran, BK Khor, CY Lee, RA Doong, CE Oon, NTK Thanh, ...
Biomedicines 10 (2), 421, 2022
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Articles 1–20