Jeremy Neuman
Cited by
Cited by
Wilson–Cowan equations for neocortical dynamics
JD Cowan, J Neuman, W van Drongelen
The Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience 6, 1-24, 2016
Modeling focal epileptic activity in the Wilson–Cowan model with depolarization block
HGE Meijer, TL Eissa, B Kiewiet, JF Neuman, CA Schevon, RG Emerson, ...
The Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience (JMN) 5, 1-17, 2015
Statistical and stochastic modeling of gang rivalries in Los Angeles
M Egesdal, C Fathauer, K Louie, J Neuman, G Mohler, E Lewis
SIAM Undergraduate Research Online 3, 72-94, 2010
Self-organized criticality in a network of interacting neurons
JD Cowan, J Neuman, B Kiewiet, W Van Drongelen
Journal of statistical mechanics: theory and experiment 2013 (04), P04030, 2013
Statistical modeling of gang violence in Los Angeles
M Egesdal, C Fathauer, K Louie, J Neuman, G Mohler, E Lewis
SIAM Undergrad. Res, 2010
Self‐Organized Criticality and Near‐Criticality in Neural Networks
JD Cowan, J Neuman, W van Drongelen
Criticality in Neural Systems, 465-484, 2014
Damped traveling waves and localized responses in a Wilson-Cowan network
J Neuman
Poster session presented at the Twenty Fourth Annual Computational …, 2015
Observations of dynamical behavior in a stochastic Wilson-Cowan population with plasticity
J Neuman, B Kiewiet, JD Cowan, W Drongelen
BMC Neuroscience 14, 1-2, 2013
Novel modes in a Wilson-Cowan network
J Neuman, JD Cowan, W van Drongelen
BMC Neuroscience 16 (Suppl 1), P271, 2015
Spatiotemporal dynamics of large-scale brain activity
J Neuman
The University of Chicago, 2015
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Articles 1–10