Patrick DeLuca
Patrick DeLuca
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Extended follow-up and spatial analysis of the American Cancer Society study linking particulate air pollution and mortality
D Krewski, M Jerrett, RT Burnett, R Ma, E Hughes, Y Shi, MC Turner, ...
Health Effects Institute, 2009
Relation between income, air pollution and mortality: a cohort study
MM Finkelstein, M Jerrett, P DeLuca, N Finkelstein, DK Verma, ...
Cmaj 169 (5), 397-402, 2003
Overview of the reanalysis of the Harvard six cities study and American Cancer Society study of particulate air pollution and mortality
D Krewski, R Burnett, M Goldberg, BK Hoover, J Siemiatycki, M Jerrett, ...
Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health Part A 66 (16-19), 1507-1552, 2003
Particulate air pollution, social confounders, and mortality in small areas of an industrial city
M Jerrett, M Buzzelli, RT Burnett, PF DeLuca
Social science & medicine 60 (12), 2845-2863, 2005
Assessing the long-range transport of PAH to a sub-Arctic site using positive matrix factorization and potential source contribution function
UM Sofowote, H Hung, AK Rastogi, JN Westgate, PF Deluca, Y Su, ...
Atmospheric Environment 45 (4), 967-976, 2011
Estimation of sulfur dioxide air pollution concentrations with a spatial autoregressive model
PS Kanaroglou, MD Adams, PF De Luca, D Corr, N Sohel
Atmospheric Environment 79, 421-427, 2013
Mobile monitoring of air pollution in cities: the case of Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
J Wallace, D Corr, P Deluca, P Kanaroglou, B McCarry
Journal of Environmental Monitoring 11 (5), 998-1003, 2009
Spatial analysis of the air pollution--mortality relationship in the context of ecologic confounders
M Jerrett, R Burnett, A Willis, D Krewski, M Goldberg, P DeLuca, ...
Journal of toxicology and environmental health Part A 66 (16-19), 1735-1778, 2003
The code red project: Engaging communities in health system change in Hamilton, Canada
PF DeLuca, S Buist, N Johnston
Social Indicators Research 108, 317-327, 2012
Mobile air monitoring: measuring change in air quality in the city of Hamilton, 2005–2010
MD Adams, PF DeLuca, D Corr, PS Kanaroglou
Social indicators research 108, 351-364, 2012
Mapping health in the Great Lakes areas of concern: a user-friendly tool for policy and decision makers.
SJ Elliott, J Eyles, P DeLuca
Environmental health perspectives 109 (suppl 6), 817-826, 2001
Exploring uncertainties in the health benefits from air quality improvements
KD Jerrett M, Newbold KB, Burnett RT, Thurston G
Stochastic Environmental Research & Risk Assessment (SERRA) 21, 511-522, 2007
Effective mitigation efforts to reduce road dust near industrial sites: Assessment by mobile pollution surveys
PF DeLuca, D Corr, J Wallace, P Kanaroglou
Journal of environmental management 98, 112-118, 2012
Effects of alternative point pattern geocoding procedures on first and second order statistical measures
PF DeLuca, PS Kanaroglou
Journal of Spatial Science 53 (1), 131-141, 2008
Code red: explaining average age of death in the City of Hamilton
PF DeLuca, PS Kanaroglou
AIMS public health 2 (4), 730, 2015
Short-term residential changes to Toronto's immigrant communities: Evidence from LSIC Wave 1
KB Newbold, P DeLuca
Urban Geography 28 (7), 635-656, 2007
Spatial patterns on demand for education at McMaster  University
PF Buliung, RN, DeLuca
Journal of Geographic Information and Decision Analysis 4 (2), 37-51, 2000
Local data for obesity prevention: using national data sets
AT Merchant, P DeLuca, MM Shubair, J Emili, P Kanaroglou
The Professional Geographer 63 (4), 550-559, 2011
Measuring potential assisted-transport demand for older adult care-recipients in Hamilton, Canada
AZ Dardas, A Williams, P DeLuca
Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 9, 100284, 2021
An assessment of online geocoding services for health research in a mid-sized Canadian city
P DeLuca, PS Kanaroglou
Spatial Analysis in Health Geography, 31-46, 2016
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Articles 1–20