Sandra Leggat
Sandra Leggat
La Trobe University, University of Toronto
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Cited by
Emotional rescue: The role of emotional intelligence and emotional labour on well‐being and job‐stress among community nurses
L Karimi, SG Leggat, L Donohue, G Farrell, GE Couper
Journal of advanced nursing 70 (1), 176-186, 2014
Effective healthcare teams require effective team members: defining teamwork competencies
SG Leggat
BMC health services research 7, 1-10, 2007
Do perceived high performance work systems influence the relationship between emotional labour, burnout and intention to leave? A study of Australian nurses
T Bartram, G Casimir, N Djurkovic, SG Leggat, P Stanton
Journal of Advanced Nursing 68 (7), 1567-1578, 2012
A conceptual framework for the analysis of health care organizations' performance
C Sicotte, F Champagne, AP Contandriopoulos, J Barnsley, F Béland, ...
Health services management research 11 (1), 24-41, 1998
Singing the same song: translating HRM messages across management hierarchies in Australian hospitals
P Stanton, S Young, T Bartram, SG Leggat
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 21 (4), 567-581, 2010
Does clinical supervision of healthcare professionals improve effectiveness of care and patient experience? A systematic review
DA Snowdon, SG Leggat, NF Taylor
BMC health services research 17, 1-11, 2017
The effects of high-performance work systems on hospital employees' work attitudes and intention to leave: a multi-level and occupational group analysis
SH Ang, T Bartram, N McNeil, SG Leggat, P Stanton
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 24 (16), 3086-3114, 2013
Transformational leadership and social identity as predictors of team climate, perceived quality of care, burnout and turnover intention among nurses
C Cheng, T Bartram, L Karimi, S Leggat
Personnel Review 45 (6), 1200-1216, 2016
Lost in translation: exploring the link between HRM and performance in healthcare
T Bartram, P Stanton, S Leggat, G Casimir, B Fraser
Human Resource Management Journal 17 (1), 21-41, 2007
Nurse perceptions of the quality of patient care: Confirming the importance of empowerment and job satisfaction
SG Leggat, T Bartram, G Casimir, P Stanton
Health Care Management Review 35 (4), 355-364, 2010
Does psychological empowerment mediate the relationship between high performance work systems and patient care quality in hospitals?
D Bonias, T Bartram, SG Leggat, P Stanton
Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources 48 (3), 319-337, 2010
High performance work systems: the gap between policy and practice in health care reform
SG Leggat, T Bartram, P Stanton
Journal of Health Organization and Management 25 (3), 281-297, 2011
The role of team climate in the management of emotional labour: implications for nurse retention
C Cheng, T Bartram, L Karimi, SG Leggat
Journal of advanced nursing 69 (12), 2812-2825, 2013
Social identification: linking high performance work systems, psychological empowerment and patient care
T Bartram, L Karimi, SG Leggat, P Stanton
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 25 (17), 2401-2419, 2014
The effects of emotional intelligence and stress‐related presenteeism on nurses’ well‐being
L Karimi, C Cheng, T Bartram, SG Leggat, S Sarkeshik
Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources 53 (3), 296-310, 2015
Emotional intelligence: predictor of employees’ wellbeing, quality of patient care, and psychological empowerment
L Karimi, SG Leggat, T Bartram, L Afshari, S Sarkeshik, T Verulava
BMC psychology 9 (1), 93, 2021
Development and validation of health service management competencies
Z Liang, PF Howard, S Leggat, T Bartram
Journal of health organization and management 32 (2), 157-175, 2018
Achieving organisational competence for clinical leadership: the role of high performance work systems
SG Leggat, C Balding
Journal of health organization and management 27 (3), 312-329, 2013
High performance work systems and employee well‐being: A two stage study of a rural Australian hospital
S Young, T Bartram, P Stanton, SG Leggat
Journal of health organization and management 24 (2), 182-199, 2010
Comparing the impact of leader–member exchange, psychological empowerment and affective commitment upon Australian public and private sector nurses: implications for retention
Y Brunetto, K Shacklock, T Bartram, SG Leggat, R Farr-Wharton, ...
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 23 (11), 2238-2255, 2012
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Articles 1–20