Maha Halalsheh
Maha Halalsheh
Water Energy and Environment Center, The University of Jordan
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Grey water characteristics and treatment options for rural areas in Jordan
M Halalsheh, S Dalahmeh, M Sayed, W Suleiman, M Shareef, M Mansour, ...
Bioresource technology 99 (14), 6635-6641, 2008
Sequential anaerobic–aerobic treatment for domestic wastewater–a review
G Kassab, M Halalsheh, A Klapwijk, M Fayyad, JB Van Lier
Bioresource Technology 101 (10), 3299-3310, 2010
Effect of SRT and temperature on biological conversions and the related scum-forming potential
M Halalsheh, J Koppes, J Den Elzen, G Zeeman, M Fayyad, G Lettinga
Water Research 39 (12), 2475-2482, 2005
Treatment of strong domestic sewage in a 96 m3 UASB reactor operated at ambient temperatures: two-stage versus single-stage reactor
M Halalsheh, Z Sawajneh, M Zu’bi, G Zeeman, J Lier, M Fayyad, ...
Bioresource Technology 96 (5), 577-585, 2005
Anaerobic pre-treatment of strong sewage A proper solution for Jordan
MM Halalsheh
PQDT-Global, 2002
Effect of increasing the surface area of primary sludge on anaerobic digestion at low temperature
M Halalsheh, G Kassab, H Yazajeen, S Qumsieh, J Field
Bioresource technology 102 (2), 748-752, 2011
Efficient Management of Wastewater
I Al Baz, R Otterpohl, C Wendland
Springer, 2008
Anaerobic treatment of strong sewage by a two stage system of AF and UASB reactors
Z Sawajneh, A Al-Omari, M Halalsheh
Water Science and Technology 61 (9), 2399-2406, 2010
Impact of nanoscale magnetite and zero valent iron on the batch-wise anaerobic co-digestion of food waste and waste-activated sludge
G Kassab, D Khater, F Odeh, K Shatanawi, M Halalsheh, M Arafah, ...
Water 12 (5), 1283, 2020
Conservation of ammonia during food waste composting
LF Al‐Jabi, MM Halalsheh, DM Badarneh
Environmental technology 29 (10), 1067-1073, 2008
Impact of legislation on olive mill wastewater management: Jordan as a case study
M Halalsheh, G Kassab, K Shatanawi
Water Policy 23 (2), 343-357, 2021
Anaerobic wastewater treatment of concentrated sewage using a two-stage upflow anaerobic sludge blanket-anaerobic filter system
MM Halalsheh, ZM Abu Rumman, JA Field
Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A 45 (3), 383-388, 2010
Integrated anaerobic–aerobic treatment of concentrated sewage
M Halalsheh, C Wendland
Efficient Management of Wastewater: Its Treatment and Reuse in Water-Scarce …, 2008
Biodegradation and seasonal variations in septage characteristics
MM Halalsheh, H Noaimat, H Yazajeen, J Cuello, B Freitas, M Fayyad
Environmental monitoring and assessment 172, 419-426, 2011
Fate of pathogens in tomato plants and soil irrigated with secondary treated wastewater
M Halalsheh, LA Ghunmi, N Al-Alami, M Fayyad
Efficient Management of Wastewater: Its Treatment and Reuse in Water-Scarce …, 2008
Safe use of wastewater in agriculture: From concept to implementation
H Hettiarachchi, R Ardakanian
Springer, 2018
Improving solids retention in upflow anaerobic sludge blanket reactors at low temperatures using lamella settlers
MM Halalsheh, HH Muhsen, KM Shatanawi, JA Field
Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part A 45 (9), 1054-1059, 2010
Anaerobic filter for polishing effluent of UASB reactor treating strong sewage at 23° C
M Alrajoula, M Halalsheh, M Fayyad
Water Science and Technology 59 (10), 1975-1981, 2009
Analysis of Historical Precipitation in Semi-Arid Areas–Case Study of the Amman Zarqa Basin
K Shatanawi, AH Mohammad, T Odeh, M Arafeh, M Halalsheh, G Kassab
Journal of Ecological Engineering 23 (8), 2022
Policy and the governance framework for wastewater irrigation: Jordanian experience
M Halalsheh, G Kassab
Safe Use of Wastewater in Agriculture: From Concept to Implementation, 75-99, 2018
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Articles 1–20