Arielle S Gillman
Arielle S Gillman
National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities (NIMHD)
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The new runner's high? Examining relationships between cannabis use and exercise behavior in states with legalized cannabis
SL YorkWilliams, CJ Gust, R Mueller, L Bidwell, KE Hutchison, AS Gillman, ...
Frontiers in Public Health 7, 443163, 2019
Developmental cognitive neuroscience of adolescent sexual risk and alcohol use
SW Feldstein Ewing, SG Ryman, AS Gillman, BJ Weiland, RE Thayer, ...
AIDS and Behavior 20, 97-108, 2016
Cannabis and exercise science: a commentary on existing studies and suggestions for future directions
AS Gillman, KE Hutchison, AD Bryan
Sports Medicine 45, 1357-1363, 2015
Risky sex in high-risk adolescents: associations with alcohol use, marijuana use, and co-occurring use
AS Gillman, EA Yeater, SW Feldstein Ewing, AS Kong, AD Bryan
AIDS and Behavior 22, 1352-1362, 2018
Perceptions and tolerance of uncertainty: relationship to trust in COVID-19 health information and vaccine hesitancy
AS Gillman, L Scharnetzki, P Boyd, RA Ferrer, WMP Klein, PKJ Han
Journal of behavioral medicine 46 (1), 40-53, 2023
Mindfulness versus distraction to improve affective response and promote cardiovascular exercise behavior
AS Gillman, AD Bryan
Annals of Behavioral Medicine 54 (6), 423-435, 2020
Effect of including alcohol and cannabis content in a sexual risk-reduction intervention on the incidence of sexually transmitted infections in adolescents: A cluster …
AD Bryan, RE Magnan, AS Gillman, EA Yeater, SWF Ewing, AS Kong, ...
JAMA pediatrics 172 (4), e175621-e175621, 2018
Effects of performance versus game-based mobile applications on response to exercise
AS Gillman, AD Bryan
Annals of Behavioral Medicine 50 (1), 157-162, 2016
Feel good now or regret it later? The respective roles of affective attitudes and anticipated affective reactions for explaining health‐promoting and health risk behavioral …
CJ Stevens, AS Gillman, CK Gardiner, EA Montanaro, AD Bryan, ...
Journal of Applied Social Psychology 49 (6), 331-348, 2019
Health disparities: Impact of health disparities and treatment decision-making biases on cancer adverse effects among black cancer survivors
JB Vo, A Gillman, K Mitchell, TS Nolan
Clinical journal of oncology nursing 25 (5), 17, 2021
Investigating the potential of inoculation messages and self-affirmation in reducing the effects of health misinformation
IA Iles, AS Gillman, HN Platter, RA Ferrer, WMP Klein
Science Communication 43 (6), 768-804, 2021
The effects of exercise duration and intensity on breast cancer-related dna methylation: A randomized controlled trial
AS Gillman, T Helmuth, CE Koljack, KE Hutchison, WM Kohrt, AD Bryan
Cancers 13 (16), 4128, 2021
Increasing receptivity to COVID-19 public health messages with self-affirmation and self vs. other framing
AS Gillman, IA Iles, WMP Klein, RA Ferrer
Health Communication 38 (9), 1942-1953, 2023
Mechanisms of action for empirically supported interventions to reduce adolescent sexual risk behavior: A randomized controlled trial
LP Gibson, CJ Gust, AS Gillman, AD Bryan, SWF Ewing
Journal of Adolescent Health 67 (1), 53-60, 2020
Women's exercise identity increases after a 16-week exercise RCT and is linked to behavior maintenance at follow-up
AS Gillman, CJ Stevens, AD Bryan
Psychology of sport and exercise 54, 101888, 2021
Body mass index, diet, and exercise: testing possible linkages to breast cancer risk via DNA methylation
AS Gillman, CK Gardiner, CE Koljack, AD Bryan
Breast cancer research and treatment 168, 241-248, 2018
Self-affirmation inductions to reduce defensive processing of threatening health risk information
IA Iles, AS Gillman, RA Ferrer, WMP Klein
Psychology & health 37 (10), 1287-1308, 2022
Understanding responses to different types of conflicting information about cancer prevention
IA Iles, AS Gillman, LE O'Connor, RA Ferrer, WMP Klein
Social science & medicine 311, 115292, 2022
Changing the context is important and necessary, but not sufficient, for reducing adolescent risky sexual behavior: A reply to Steinberg (2015)
AD Bryan, AS Gillman, NS Hansen
Perspectives on Psychological Science 11 (4), 535-538, 2016
Modeling longitudinal variation in affective response to exercise across a 16-week randomized control trial (RCT).
CJ Stevens, AS Gillman, GR Giordano, AD Bryan
Health Psychology 40 (12), 928, 2021
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Articles 1–20