Jennifer L. Kisamore
Jennifer L. Kisamore
University of Oklahoma-Tulsa
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Cited by
A meta‐analytic investigation of job applicant faking on personality measures
SA Birkeland, TM Manson, JL Kisamore, MT Brannick, MA Smith
International Journal of Selection and Assessment 14 (4), 317-335, 2006
Role conflict and burnout: The direct and moderating effects of political skill and perceived organizational support on burnout dimensions.
IM Jawahar, TH Stone, JL Kisamore
International Journal of Stress Management 14 (2), 142, 2007
Predicting academic misconduct intentions and behavior using the theory of planned behavior and personality
TH Stone, IM Jawahar, JL Kisamore
Basic and Applied Social Psychology 32 (1), 35-45, 2010
Academic integrity: The relationship between individual and situational factors on misconduct contemplations
JL Kisamore, TH Stone, IM Jawahar
Journal of Business Ethics 75, 381-394, 2007
Using the theory of planned behavior and cheating justifications to predict academic misconduct
TH Stone, IM Jawahar, JL Kisamore
Career Development International 14 (3), 221-241, 2009
An illustration of the consequences of meta-analysis model choice
JL Kisamore, MT Brannick
Organizational Research Methods 11 (1), 35-53, 2008
Differential effect of inter-role conflict on proactive individual’s experience of burnout
IM Jawahar, JL Kisamore, TH Stone, DL Rahn
Journal of Business and Psychology 27, 243-254, 2012
Conflict and abusive workplace behaviors: The moderating effects of social competencies
JL Kisamore, IM Jawahar, EW Liguori, TL Mharapara, TH Stone
Career Development International 15 (6), 583-600, 2010
Calibration between student mastery and self‐efficacy
MT Brannick, DE Miles, JL Kisamore
Studies in Higher Education 30 (4), 473-483, 2005
Evaluation of an interactive, case-based review session in teaching medical microbiology
EL Blewett, JL Kisamore
BMC medical education 9, 1-9, 2009
Trust and performance in business teams: a meta-analysis
AM Morrissette, JL Kisamore
Team Performance Management: an international journal 26 (5/6), 287-300, 2020
Do birds of a feather cheat together? How personality and relationships affect student cheating
A J Scrimpshire, TH Stone, JL Kisamore, IM Jawahar
Journal of Academic Ethics 15, 1-22, 2017
Keeping the peace: An investigation of the interaction between personality, conflict, and competence on organizational citizenship behaviors
J L. Kisamore, E W. Liguori, J Muldoon, IM Jawahar
Career Development International 19 (2), 244-259, 2014
Making our measures match perceptions: Do severity and type matter when assessing academic misconduct offenses?
TH Stone, JL Kisamore, IM Jawahar, JH Bolin
Journal of Academic Ethics 12, 251-270, 2014
A Meta-Analysis of the Relationship between Role Stress and Organizational Commitment: the Moderating Effects of Occupational Type and Culture
AM Morrissette, JL Kisamore
Occupational Health Science 4 (1), 23-42, 2020
Moderators of the personality-performance relationship: An investigation of job meaning and autonomy
J Muldoon, JL Kisamore, EW Liguori, IM Jawahar, J Bendickson
Personnel Review 46 (3), 474-489, 2017
Decision‐making biases and affective states: their potential impact on best practice innovations
faye l smith, TH Stone, JL Kisamore, IM Jawahar
Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences/Revue Canadienne des Sciences de …, 2010
Strategic exit interviewing: encouraging voice, enhancing alignment and examining process
VL Pace, JL Kisamore
Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance 4 (1), 59-75, 2017
Whistle-blowing in the classroom?
TH Stone, JL Kisamore, D Kluemper, IM Jawahar
Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice 12 (5), 11-26, 2012
Assessing burnout in diversity and inclusion professionals
A Pemberton, J Kisamore
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion: An International Journal 42 (1), 38-52, 2023
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Articles 1–20