Noshir Contractor
Noshir Contractor
Jane S. & William J. White Professor of Behavioral Sciences, Northwestern University
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Computational social science
D Lazer, A Pentland, L Adamic, S Aral, AL Barabási, D Brewer, ...
Science 323 (5915), 721-723, 2009
Theories of communication networks
PR Monge, NS Contractor
Oxford University Press, USA, 2003
Emergent communication networks
N Contractor
Handbook of organizational communication, 1998
Network theory and small groups
N Katz, D Lazer, H Arrow, N Contractor
Small group research 35 (3), 307-332, 2004
Testing multitheoretical, multilevel hypotheses about organizational networks: An analytic framework and empirical example
NS Contractor, S Wasserman, K Faust
Academy of management review 31 (3), 681-703, 2006
Social science. Computational social science.
D Lazer, A Pentland, L Adamic, S Aral, AL Barabasi, D Brewer, ...
Science (New York, NY) 323 (5915), 721-723, 2009
The topology of collective leadership
NS Contractor, LA DeChurch, J Carson, DR Carter, B Keegan
The Leadership Quarterly 23 (6), 994-1011, 2012
Communication networks and new media in organizations.
NS Contractor, EM Eisenberg
SAGE Publications, Inc, 1990
Communication and motivational predictors of the dynamics of organizational innovation
PR Monge, MD Cozzens, NS Contractor
Organization science 3 (2), 250-274, 1992
Computational social science: Obstacles and opportunities
DMJ Lazer, A Pentland, DJ Watts, S Aral, S Athey, N Contractor, ...
Science 369 (6507), 1060-1062, 2020
Social network approaches to leadership: an integrative conceptual review.
DR Carter, LA DeChurch, MT Braun, NS Contractor
Journal of applied psychology 100 (3), 597, 2015
A multi-level systems perspective for the science of team science
K Börner, N Contractor, HJ Falk-Krzesinski, SM Fiore, KL Hall, J Keyton, ...
Science translational medicine 2 (49), 49cm24-49cm24, 2010
Network Theory| multidimensional networks and the dynamics of sociomateriality: bringing technology inside the network
N Contractor, P Monge, PM Leonardi
International Journal of Communication 5, 39, 2011
Theoretical frameworks for the study of structuring processes in group decision support systems: Adaptive structuration theory and self‐organizing systems theory
NS Contractor, DR Seibold
Human Communication Research 19 (4), 528-563, 1993
Expertise directory development, shared task interdependence, and strength of communication network ties as multilevel predictors of expertise exchange in transactive memory …
YC Yuan, J Fulk, PR Monge, N Contractor
Communication Research 37 (1), 20-47, 2010
Better people analytics
P Leonardi, N Contractor
Harvard business review 2018 (November-December), 2018
Coevolution of communication and knowledge networks in transactive memory systems: Using computational models for theoretical development
ET Palazzolo, DA Serb, Y She, C Su, NS Contractor
Communication Theory 16 (2), 223-250, 2006
Managing knowledge networks
NS Contractor, PR Monge
Management communication quarterly 16 (2), 249-258, 2002
Social information processing and job characteristics. A simultaneous test of two theories with implications for job satisfaction
TG Pollock, RC Whitbred, N Contractor
Human Communication Research 26 (2), 292-330, 2000
Once upon a time: Understanding team processes as relational event networks
RTAJ Leenders, NS Contractor, LA DeChurch
Organizational Psychology Review 6 (1), 92-115, 2016
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Articles 1–20