Montri Karnjanadecha
Montri Karnjanadecha
Associated Professor of Computer Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Prince of Songkla University
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Pitch detection algorithm: autocorrelation method and AMDF
L Tan, M Karnjanadecha
Proceedings of the 3rd international symposium on communications and …, 2003
Signal modeling for high-performance robust isolated word recognition
M Karnjanadecha, SA Zahorian
IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing 9 (6), 647-654, 2001
Dual transmission model and related spectral content of the fetal heart sounds
SA Zahorian, AJ Zuckerwar, M Karnjanadecha
Computer methods and programs in biomedicine 108 (1), 20-27, 2012
Impact angle analysis of bloodstains using a simple image processing technique
K Boonkhong, M Karnjanadecha, P Aiyarak
Sonklanakarin Journal of Science and Technology 32 (2), 169, 2010
Model-based human action recognition
N Noorit, N Suvonvorn, M Karnchanadecha
Second International Conference on Digital Image Processing 7546, 170-175, 2010
Signal modeling for isolated word recognition
M Karnjanadecha, SA Zahorian
1999 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal …, 1999
Improvement of Thai speech emotion recognition by using face feature analysis
I Stanković, M Karnjanadecha, V Delić
2011 International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and …, 2011
Modified mel-frequency cepstrum coefficient
L Tan, M Karnjanadecha
Proceedings of the Information Engineering Postgraduate Workshop, 127-130, 2003
Open Source Multi-Language Audio Database for Spoken Language Processing Applications
SA Zahorian, J Wu, M Karnjanadecha, C SekharVootkuri, B Wong, ...
Twelfth Annual Conference of the International Speech Communication Association, 2011
Development of a corpus for southern thai dialect speech recognition: Design and text preparation
S Aunkaew, M Karnjanadecha, C Wutiwiwatchai
The 10th International Symposium on Natural Language Processing, 28-30, 2013
Constructing a phonetic transcribed text corpus for Southern Thai dialect Speech Recognition
S Aunkaew, M Karnjanadecha, C Wutiwiwatchai
2015 12th International Joint Conference on Computer Science and Software …, 2015
The use of top-view finger image for personal identification
P Chaikan, M Karnjanadecha
2007 5th International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis …, 2007
Robust feature extraction for alphabet recognition.
M Karnjanadecha, SA Zahorian
ICSLP, 1998
Emotion classification system for digital music with a cascaded technique
K Sorussa, A Choksuriwong, M Karnjanadecha
ECTI Transactions on Computer and Information Technology (ECTI-CIT) 14 (1 …, 2020
A new dataset benchmark for pedestrian detection
M Thu, N Suvonvorn, M Karnjanadecha
Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Biomedical Signal and …, 2018
A study of tone classification for continuous Thai speech recognition
L Tan, M Karnjanadecha, T Khaorapapong
Proceedings of 8th International Conference on Spoken Language Processing …, 2004
A comparison of front-end analyses for Thai speech recognition
M Karnjanadecha, P Kimsawad
Seventh International Conference on Spoken Language Processing, 2002
Contrast and color balance enhancement for non-uniform illumination retinal images
P Vonghirandecha, M Karnjanadecha, S Intajag
Tehnički glasnik 13 (4), 291-296, 2019
Classification of fresh aromatic coconuts by using polynomial regression
S Madue, T Khaorapapong, M Karnjanadecha, S Limsiroratana
Second International Conference on Digital Image Processing 7546, 182-187, 2010
A Reference Point Detection Algorithm for Top-View Finger Image Recognition
P Chaikan, M Karnjanadecha
2007 5th International Symposium on Image and Signal Processing and Analysis …, 2007
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Articles 1–20