Soyoung Park (So Young Park)
Cited by
Cited by
Forecasting campground demand in US national parks
WL Rice, SY Park, B Pan, P Newman
Annals of Tourism Research 75, 424-438, 2019
Family trip and academic achievement in early childhood
SY Park, JB Ahn, B Pan
Annals of Tourism Research 80, 102795, 2020
Identifying the next non-stop flying market with a big data approach
SY Park, B Pan
Tourism Management 66, 411-421, 2018
Social, Ethical, and Moral Issues in Smart Tourism Development in Destinations
B Pan, MS Lin, Y Liang, A Akyildiz, SY Park
Journal of Smart Tourism 1 (1), 2021
The influence of Uber on the tourism industry in sub-Saharan Africa
SY Park, JY Kim, B Pan
Journal of Travel Research 60 (7), 1598-1611, 2021
The relationship between parks and recreation per capita spending and mortality from 1980 to 2010: A fixed effects model
JT Mueller, SY Park, AJ Mowen
Preventive medicine reports 14, 100827, 2019
The relationship between self-rated health and local government spending on parks and recreation in the United States from 1997 to 2012
JT Mueller, SY Park, AJ Mowen
Preventive medicine reports 13, 105-112, 2019
Big data spatial analysis of campers’ landscape preferences: Examining demand for amenities
WL Rice, S Park
Journal of Environmental Management 292, 112773, 2021
Using social media user profiles to identify visitor demographics and origins in Yellowstone national park
Y Liang, J Yin, S Park, B Pan, G Chi, Z Miller
Journal of Outdoor Recreation and Tourism 44, 100620, 2023
Flourishing through traveling while Black: Unfiltered voices of Black travelers
S Park, CT Mahlobo, JO Peets
Tourism Management 91, 104514, 2022
The motivation and experience of alma mater tourists
B Pan, L Harbor, S Park, R Li, A Schroeder, Y Gong
Annals of Tourism Research Empirical Insights 5 (1), 100118, 2024
Short-term rentals, resilience, and gentrification
S Park, L Mullenbach, J Kim
Annals of Tourism Research 101, 103610, 2023
Tourism myths and the Dunning Kruger effect
S Pratt, B Pan, E Agyeiwaah, SSI Lei, P Lugosi, K Kirillova, M Piirman, ...
Annals of Tourism Research 104, 103620, 2024
Building a foundation for online public communication campaigns against orphanage tourism
SY Park
Decolonizing knowledge production in tourism research
B Pan, S Park
Tourism Management 103, 104914, 2024
Gauging indirect stakeholder sentiment towards orphanage tourism on Twitter
S Park, B Pan, S Font, A Schroeder, M Lin, AJ Mowen
Tourism Recreation Research, 1-14, 2022
A Little Blue Bird Told Me: Sentiment Change on Orphanage Tourism
SY Park, B Pan, A Schroeder, AJ Mowen, SA Font
Reliving the Glory Days: College Graduates and Alma Mater Nostalgia Tourism
L Harbor, SY Park, R Li, B Pan, A Schroeder
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Articles 1–18