Yong Xu
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Cited by
Coupled-resonator optical waveguide:? a proposal and analysis
A Yariv, Y Xu, RK Lee, A Scherer
Optics letters 24 (11), 711-713, 1999
Highly sensitive fiber Bragg grating refractive index sensors
W Liang, Y Huang, Y Xu, RK Lee, A Yariv
Applied physics letters 86 (15), 2005
Scattering-theory analysis of waveguide-resonator coupling
Y Xu, Y Li, RK Lee, A Yariv
Physical Review E 62 (5), 7389, 2000
Designing coupled-resonator optical waveguide delay lines
JKS Poon, J Scheuer, Y Xu, A Yariv
JOSA B 21 (9), 1665-1673, 2004
Fabrication of functional microstructured optical fibers through a selective-filling technique
Y Huang, Y Xu, A Yariv
Applied Physics Letters 85 (22), 5182-5184, 2004
Propagation and second-harmonic generation of electromagnetic waves in a coupled-resonator optical waveguide
Y Xu, RK Lee, A Yariv
JOSA B 17 (3), 387-400, 2000
Quantum analysis and the classical analysis of spontaneous emission in a microcavity
Y Xu, RK Lee, A Yariv
Physical Review A 61 (3), 033807, 2000
Finite-difference time-domain calculation of spontaneous emission lifetime in a microcavity
Y Xu, JS Vučković, RK Lee, OJ Painter, A Scherer, A Yariv
JOSA B 16 (3), 465-474, 1999
Asymptotic analysis of Bragg fibers
Y Xu, RK Lee, A Yariv
Optics Letters 25 (24), 1756-1758, 2000
Pre-osteoblast infiltration and differentiation in highly porous apatite-coated PLLA electrospun scaffolds
BM Whited, JR Whitney, MC Hofmann, Y Xu, MN Rylander
Biomaterials 32 (9), 2294-2304, 2011
Design of photonic crystal optical waveguides with singlemode propagation in the photonic bandgap
A Adibi, RK Lee, Y Xu, A Yariv, A Scherer
Electronics Letters 36 (16), 1376-1378, 2000
Properties of the slab modes in photonic crystal optical waveguides
A Adibi, Y Xu, RK Lee, A Yariv, A Scherer
Journal of lightwave technology 18 (11), 1554, 2000
Ultra-large bandwidth hollow-core guiding in all-silica Bragg fibers with nano-supports
G Vienne, Y Xu, C Jakobsen, HJ Deyerl, JB Jensen, T Sørensen, ...
Optics Express 12 (15), 3500-3508, 2004
Asymptotic matrix theory of Bragg fibers
Y Xu, GX Ouyang, RK Lee, A Yariv
Journal of lightwave technology 20 (3), 428, 2002
Adiabatic coupling between conventional dielectric waveguides and waveguides with discrete translational symmetry
Y Xu, RK Lee, A Yariv
Optics Letters 25 (10), 755-757, 2000
Finite-difference time-domain calculation of the spontaneous emission coupling factor in optical microcavities
J Vuckovic, O Painter, Y Xu, A Yariv, A Scherer
IEEE Journal of Quantum Electronics 35 (8), 1168-1175, 1999
Modified spontaneous emission from a two-dimensional photonic bandgap crystal slab
RK Lee, Y Xu, A Yariv
JOSA B 17 (8), 1438-1442, 2000
Extended interior methods and systems for spectral, optical, and photoacoustic imaging
G Wang, Y Xu, A Cong, H Shen, W Cong, L Yang, Y Lu
US Patent 8,862,206, 2014
Theoretical study on dispersion compensation in air-core Bragg fibers
G Ouyang, Y Xu, A Yariv
Optics express 10 (17), 899-908, 2002
Asymptotic analysis of silicon based Bragg fibers
Y Xu, A Yariv, JG Fleming, SY Lin
Optics Express 11 (9), 1039-1049, 2003
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Articles 1–20