Ronald B. Low
Ronald B. Low
University of Pittsburgh Department of Emergency Medicine
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The relation of stroke admissions to recent weather, airborne allergens, air pollution, seasons, upper respiratory infections, and asthma incidence, September 11, 2001, and day …
RB Low, L Bielory, AI Qureshi, V Dunn, DFE Stuhlmiller, DA Dickey
Stroke 37 (4), 951-957, 2006
Preliminary report on the use of the percluderŽ occluding aortic balloon in human beings
RB Low, W Longmore, R Rubinstein, L Flores, S Wolvek
Annals of emergency medicine 15 (12), 1466-1469, 1986
Thrombolysis for ischemic stroke in the United States: data from National Hospital Discharge Survey 1999-2001
AI Qureshi, MFK Suri, A Nasar, W He, JF Kirmani, AA Divani, ...
Neurosurgery 57 (4), 647-654, 2005
Accuracy of blood pressure measurements made aboard helicopters
RB Low, D Martin
Annals of emergency medicine 17 (6), 604-612, 1988
Factors associated with the safety of EMS helicopters
RB Low, MJ Dunne, IJ Blumen, G Tagney
The American journal of emergency medicine 9 (2), 103-106, 1991
Emergency air transport of pregnant patients: the national experience
RB Low, D Martin, C Brown
The Journal of emergency medicine 6 (1), 41-48, 1988
Acute goiter hematoma following blunt neck trauma.
RL Behrends, RB Low
Annals of emergency medicine 16 (11), 1300-1301, 1987
Glucagon and phenylephrine combination vs glucagon alone in experimental verapamil overdose
CK Stone, SH Thomas, SI Koury, RB Low
Academic Emergency Medicine 3 (2), 120-125, 1996
Activity-sensing permanent internal pacemaker dysfunction during helicopter aeromedical transport
RS Gordon, KB O'Dell, RB Low, IJ Blumen
Annals of emergency medicine 19 (11), 1260-1263, 1990
Use of radioisotopes in quantitative studies of lung metabolism.
DE Rannels, RB Low, T Youdale, E Volkin, WJ Longmore
Federation Proceedings 41 (12), 2833-2839, 1982
The effect of d-amphetamine and ephedrine on smoking attitude and behavior
RB Low, M Jones, B Carter, RJ Cadoret
Addictive behaviors 9 (4), 335-345, 1984
Control of intraabdominal hemorrhage and shock: a comparison of fluid resuscitation, MAST, and balloon occlusion
RB Low, C Schmidt, RJ Wilder, W Massion, SM Barrett, P Downs
Annals of emergency medicine 14 (6), 540-546, 1985
Marked anterior displacement of the trachea and larynx from an esophageal obturator airway (EOAŽ)
RB Low, RD Jensen, KJ Cavanaugh
Annals of Emergency Medicine 11 (12), 670-672, 1982
Acute respiratory arrest due to hypokalemia
J Alvarez, RB Low
Annals of emergency medicine 17 (3), 288-289, 1988
The effects of weather on pneumonia incidence
TA Haspil-Corgan, M Tewari, RB Low, WR Gauff
Annals of Emergency Medicine 44 (4), S37, 2004
Air medical transport: an annotated bibliography of the recent literature. The Society for Academic Emergency Medicine EMS Committee.
NH Benson, RB Low, CD Chisholm, JR Krohmer, RA Swor
The American Journal of Emergency Medicine 9 (5), 510-519, 1991
Limits to international estimates of stroke costs
RB Low, AI Qureshi, DC Low
Stroke 41 (2), 201-202, 2010
Persistent Sexual Arousal Syndrome-A Descriptive Study
NN Low, RB Low
The Journal of Sexual Medicine 2 (5), 744-744, 2005
MAST and adrenergic-resistant anaphylaxis.
RB Low
Annals of Emergency Medicine 14 (4), 373-374, 1985
The efficacy of ground versus helicopter transport in patient outcome
JP Campbell, RB Low, D Bowman
Journal-Oklahoma State Medical Association 82 (7), 311-314, 1989
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