A natural-resource-based view of the firm SL Hart Academy of Management Review, 986-1014, 1995 | 10442 | 1995 |
The fortune at the bottom of the pyramid CK Prahalad, SL Hart Strategy + Business, 2002 | 9299 | 2002 |
Beyond greening: Strategies for a sustainable world SL Hart Harvard Business Review, 66-76, 1997 | 3677 | 1997 |
Creating sustainable value SL Hart, MB Milstein The Academy of Management Executive (1993-2005), 56-69, 2003 | 3576* | 2003 |
Does it pay to be green? An empirical examination of the relationship between emission reduction and firm performance SL Hart, G Ahuja Business Strategy and the Environment 5 (1), 30-37, 1996 | 3084 | 1996 |
Reinventing strategies for emerging markets: Beyond the transnational model T London, SL Hart Journal of International Business Studies 35 (5), 350-370, 2004 | 2285 | 2004 |
Capitalism at the crossroads SL Hart Pearson/Wharton School Publishing, 2005 | 2224* | 2005 |
A natural-resource-based view of the firm: Fifteen years after SL Hart, G Dowell Journal of Management 37 (5), 1464-1479, 2011 | 2184 | 2011 |
Do corporate global environmental standards create or destroy market value? G Dowell, SL Hart, B Yeung Management Science, 1059-1074, 2000 | 2027 | 2000 |
An integrative framework for strategy-making processes SL Hart Academy of management review 17 (2), 327-351, 1992 | 1931 | 1992 |
The great leap: Driving innovation from the base of the pyramid SL Hart, CM Christensen Sloan Management Review 44 (1), 51-56, 2002 | 1273 | 2002 |
Engaging fringe stakeholders for competitive imagination SL Hart, S Sharma Academy of Management Perspectives 18 (1), 7-18, 2004 | 1213 | 2004 |
How strategy-making processes can make a difference SL Hart, C Banbury Strategic Management Journal 15 (4), 251-269, 1994 | 1208 | 1994 |
From chimneys to cross-functional teams: Developing and validating a diagnostic model DR Denison, SL Hart, JA Kahn Academy of Management journal 39 (4), 1005-1023, 1996 | 881 | 1996 |
Global sustainability and the creative destruction of industries SL Hart, MB Milstein Sloan Management Review, 1999 | 876 | 1999 |
Strategic reference point theory A Fiegenbaum, SL Hart, D Schendel Strategic Management Journal 17 (3), 219-235, 1996 | 827 | 1996 |
Roles executives play: CEOs, behavioral complexity, and firm performance SL Hart, RE Quinn Human relations 46 (5), 543-574, 1993 | 685 | 1993 |
Creating sustainable corporations P Shrivastava, SL Hart Business Strategy and the Environment 4 (3), 154-165, 1995 | 563 | 1995 |
New frontiers in international strategy JE Ricart, MJ Enright, P Ghemawat, SL Hart, T Khanna Journal of International Business Studies 35, 175-200, 2004 | 533 | 2004 |
Next generation business strategies for the base of the pyramid: New approaches for building mutual value T London, SL Hart Pearson/Financial Times, 2011 | 525 | 2011 |