Dan V. Caprar
Dan V. Caprar
The University of Sydney Business School
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New developments in goal setting and task performance
EA Locke, GP Latham
Routledge 24, 664, 2013
Working across boundaries: Current and future perspectives on global virtual teams
A Jimenez, DM Boehe, V Taras, DV Caprar
Journal of International Management 23 (4), 341-349, 2017
A global classroom? Evaluating the effectiveness of global virtual collaboration as a teaching tool in management education
V Taras, DV Caprar, D Rottig, RM Sarala, N Zakaria, F Zhao, A Jiménez, ...
Academy of Management Learning & Education 12 (3), 414-435, 2013
Foreign locals: A cautionary tale on the culture of MNC local employees
DV Caprar
Journal of International Business Studies 42, 608-628, 2011
Conceptualizing and measuring culture in international business and management: From challenges to potential solutions
DV Caprar, TM Devinney, BL Kirkman, P Caligiuri
Journal of international business studies 46, 1011-1027, 2015
“Norming” and “conforming”: Integrating cultural and institutional explanations for sustainability adoption in business
DV Caprar, BA Neville
Journal of Business Ethics 110, 231-245, 2012
Diverse effects of diversity: Disaggregating effects of diversity in global virtual teams
V Taras, D Baack, D Caprar, D Dow, F Froese, A Jimenez, P Magnusson
Journal of International Management 25 (4), 100689, 2019
Global migrants: Understanding the implications for international business and management
A Hajro, DV Caprar, J Zikic, GK Stahl
Journal of World Business 56 (2), 101192, 2021
Sex differences in responses to relationship threats in England and Romania
GL Brase, DV Caprar, M Voracek
Journal of Social and Personal Relationships 21 (6), 763-778, 2004
Why do managers engage in trustworthy behavior? A multilevel cross‐cultural study in 18 countries
BS Reiche, P Cardona, YT Lee, MÁ Canela, E Akinnukawe, JP Briscoe, ...
Personnel Psychology 67 (1), 61-98, 2014
Virtual teams and international business teaching and learning: The case of the Global Enterprise Experience (GEE)
MA Gonzalez-Perez, A Velez-Calle, V Cathro, DV Caprar, V Taras
Journal of Teaching in International Business 25 (3), 200-213, 2014
The dark side of strong identification in organizations: A conceptual review
DV Caprar, BW Walker, BE Ashforth
Academy of Management Annals 16 (2), 759-805, 2022
The Sage handbook of contemporary cross-cultural management
B Szkudlarek, L Romani, DV Caprar, JS Osland
Sage, 2020
When performance gets personal: Towards a theory of performance-based identity
BW Walker, DV Caprar
Human Relations 73 (8), 1077-1105, 2020
It’s personal: An exploration of students’(non) acceptance of management research
DV Caprar, B Do, SL Rynes, JM Bartunek
Academy of Management Learning & Education 15 (2), 207-231, 2016
Research: How cultural differences can impact global teams
V Taras, D Baack, D Caprar, A Jiménez, F Froese
Harvard Business Review, 2021
Becoming culturally agile: Effectively varying contextual responses through international experience and cross-cultural competencies
P Caligiuri, DV Caprar
The International Journal of Human Resource Management 34 (12), 2429-2450, 2023
Beyond “Doing as the Romans Do”: A review of research on countercultural business practices
DV Caprar, S Kim, BW Walker, P Caligiuri
Journal of International Business Studies 53 (7), 1449-1483, 2022
The Grand Challenge None of Us Chose: Succeeding (and Failing) Against the Global Pandemic
NJ Adler, SA Sackmann, S Arieli, MM Akter, C Barmeyer, C Barzantny, ...
Advances in global leadership, 2022
Goals and Self-Efficacy as Mediators
PA Heslin, DV Caprar
New developments in goal setting and task performance, 213-230, 2013
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Articles 1–20