Jacalyn Huband
Jacalyn Huband
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Cited by
Visual assessment of clustering tendency for rectangular dissimilarity matrices
JC Bezdek, RJ Hathaway, JM Huband
IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems 15 (5), 890-903, 2007
Scalable visual assessment of cluster tendency for large data sets
RJ Hathaway, JC Bezdek, JM Huband
Pattern Recognition 39 (7), 1315-1324, 2006
bigVAT: Visual assessment of cluster tendency for large data sets
JM Huband, JC Bezdek, RJ Hathaway
Pattern Recognition 38 (11), 1875-1886, 2005
Kernelized non-Euclidean relational fuzzy c-means algorithm
RJ Hathaway, JM Huband, JC Bezdek
The 14th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, 2005. FUZZ'05., 414-419, 2005
Approximate clustering in very large relational data
JC Bezdek, RJ Hathaway, JM Huband, C Leckie, R Kotagiri
International journal of intelligent systems 21 (8), 817-841, 2006
Is VAT really single linkage in disguise?
TC Havens, JC Bezdek, JM Keller, M Popescu, JM Huband
Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence 55, 237-251, 2009
Re-assessing the incremental predictive validity of Implicit Association Tests
N Buttrick, J Axt, CR Ebersole, J Huband
Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 88, 103941, 2020
Revised visual assessment of (cluster) tendency (reVAT)
JM Huband, JC Bezdek, RJ Hathaway
IEEE Annual Meeting of the Fuzzy Information, 2004. Processing NAFIPS'04. 1 …, 2004
Teaching an introductory physical geology course to a student with visual impairment
P Asher
Journal of Geoscience Education 49 (2), 166-169, 2001
Finding the number of clusters in ordered dissimilarities
IJ Sledge, TC Havens, JM Huband, JC Bezdek, JM Keller
Soft Computing 13, 1125-1142, 2009
The SWI/SNF Chromatin Remodeling Complex Influences Transcription by RNA Polymerase I in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Y Zhang, SJ Anderson, SL French, ML Sikes, OV Viktorovskaya, ...
PloS one 8 (2), e56793, 2013
The effects of nudges on students’ effort and performance: Lessons from a MOOC
I Martinez
EdPolicyWorks Working Paper Series Working Paper, 2014
(Automatic) cluster count extraction from unlabeled data sets
IJ Sledge, JM Huband, JC Bezdek
2008 Fifth International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery …, 2008
A new cluster validity measure for bioinformatics relational datasets
M Popescu, JC Bezdek, JM Keller, TC Havens, JM Huband
2008 IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (IEEE World Congress on …, 2008
Gene ontology-based knowledge discovery through fuzzy cluster analysis
N Pal, JM Keller, M Popescu, JC Bezdek, JA Mitchell, J Huband
Neural, Parallel & Scientific Computations 13 (3), 337-362, 2005
VCV2–Visual cluster validity
JM Huband, JC Bezdek
Computational Intelligence: Research Frontiers: IEEE World Congress on …, 2008
Gene ontology similarity measures based on linear order statistics
JM Keller, JC Bezdek, M Popescu, NR Pal, JA Mitchell, JM Huband
International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-based Systems …, 2006
Maximin initialization for cluster analysis
RJ Hathaway, JC Bezdek, JM Huband
Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis and Applications: 11th …, 2006
Progress in pattern recognition, image analysis and applications
J Martínez-Trinidad, J Ochoa, J Kittler
Proceedings of 11th Iberoamerican Congress in Pattern Recognition, CIARP …, 2006
bigVAT: visual assessment of cluster tendency for large data set
JC Bezdek, RJ Hathaway, JM Huband
Pattern recognition 38 (11), 1875-1886, 2005
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Articles 1–20