Mirjam Jonkman
Cited by
Cited by
Efficient prediction of cardiovascular disease using machine learning algorithms with relief and LASSO feature selection techniques
P Ghosh, S Azam, M Jonkman, A Karim, FMJM Shamrat, E Ignatious, ...
IEEE Access 9, 19304-19326, 2021
Frequency Bands Effects on QRS Detection.
M Elgendi, M Jonkman, F De Boer
Biosignals 2003, 2002, 2010
Preprocessing of breast cancer images to create datasets for deep-CNN
AR Beeravolu, S Azam, M Jonkman, B Shanmugam, K Kannoorpatti, ...
IEEE Access 9, 33438-33463, 2021
BreastNet18: a high accuracy fine-tuned VGG16 model evaluated using ablation study for diagnosing breast cancer from enhanced mammography images
S Montaha, S Azam, AKMRH Rafid, P Ghosh, MZ Hasan, M Jonkman, ...
Biology 10 (12), 1347, 2021
Intrusion detection system for Internet of Things based on a machine learning approach
C Liang, B Shanmugam, S Azam, M Jonkman, F De Boer, ...
2019 International Conference on Vision Towards Emerging Trends in …, 2019
A performance based study on deep learning algorithms in the effective prediction of breast cancer
P Ghosh, S Azam, KM Hasib, A Karim, M Jonkman, A Anwar
2021 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN), 1-8, 2021
An overview of blockchain applications and attacks
RR Vokerla, B Shanmugam, S Azam, A Karim, F De Boer, M Jonkman, ...
2019 international conference on vision towards emerging trends in …, 2019
A comparative study of different machine learning tools in detecting diabetes
P Ghosh, S Azam, A Karim, M Hassan, K Roy, M Jonkman
Procedia Computer Science 192, 467-477, 2021
A comprehensive unsupervised framework for chronic kidney disease prediction
L Antony, S Azam, E Ignatious, R Quadir, AR Beeravolu, M Jonkman, ...
IEEE Access 9, 126481-126501, 2021
Heart rate variability and the acceleration plethysmogram signals measured at rest
M Elgendi, M Jonkman, F DeBoer
Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies: Third International Joint …, 2011
Improved QRS detection algorithm using dynamic thresholds
M Elgendi, M Jonkman, F De Boer
International journal of hybrid information technology 2 (1), 65-80, 2009
A lightweight robust deep learning model gained high accuracy in classifying a wide range of diabetic retinopathy images
MAK Raiaan, K Fatema, IU Khan, S Azam, MRU Rashid, MSH Mukta, ...
IEEE Access 11, 42361-42388, 2023
Addressing the challenges of electronic health records using blockchain and ipfs
ICA Pilares, S Azam, S Akbulut, M Jonkman, B Shanmugam
Sensors 22 (11), 4032, 2022
On reduced consumption of fossil fuels in 2020 and its consequences in global environment and exergy demand
A Rashedi, T Khanam, M Jonkman
Energies 13 (22), 6048, 2020
R wave detection using Coiflets wavelets
M Elgendi, M Jonkman, F De Boer
2009 IEEE 35th Annual Northeast Bioengineering Conference, 1-2, 2009
Use of efficient machine learning techniques in the identification of patients with heart diseases
P Ghosh, S Azam, A Karim, M Jonkman, MDZ Hasan
Proceedings of the 2021 5th International Conference on Information System …, 2021
Factors affecting staff turnover of young academics: Job embeddedness and creative work performance in higher academic institutions
IA Shah, A Yadav, F Afzal, SMZA Shah, D Junaid, S Azam, M Jonkman, ...
Frontiers in Psychology 11, 570345, 2020
An intelligent spam detection model based on artificial immune system
AJ Saleh, A Karim, B Shanmugam, S Azam, K Kannoorpatti, M Jonkman, ...
Information 10 (6), 209, 2019
An intelligent and secured tracking system for monitoring school bus
A Ahmed, MMR Parvez, MH Hasan, FN Nur, NN Moon, A Karim, S Azam, ...
2019 International Conference on Computer Communication and Informatics …, 2019
Mcnn-lstm: Combining cnn and lstm to classify multi-class text in imbalanced news data
KM Hasib, S Azam, A Karim, A Al Marouf, FMJM Shamrat, S Montaha, ...
IEEE Access, 2023
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Articles 1–20