Chih How Bong
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Cited by
A tool for addressing construct identity in literature reviews and meta-analyses
KR Larsen, CH Bong
Mis Quarterly 40 (3), 529-552, 2016
Predicting survey responses: How and why semantics shape survey statistics on organizational behaviour
JK Arnulf, KR Larsen, ØL Martinsen, CH Bong
PloS one 9 (9), e106361, 2014
An empirical study of feature selection for text categorization based on term weightage
BC How, K Narayanan
IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence (WI'04), 599-602, 2004
A comprehensive review of automated essay scoring (AES) research and development
CT Lim, CH Bong, WS Wong, NK Lee
Pertanika Journal of Science & Technology 29 (3), 1875-1899, 2021
Measuring software quality in use: state-of-the-art and research challenges
I Atoum, CH Bong
arXiv preprint arXiv:1503.06934, 2015
Towards resolving software quality-in-use measurement challenges
I Atoum, CH Bong, N Kulathuramaiyer
arXiv preprint arXiv:1501.07676, 2015
A framework to predict software “quality in use” from software reviews
I Atoum, CH Bong
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Advanced Data and …, 2014
A transdisciplinary approach to construct search and integration
KR Larsen, J Lee, J Li, CH Bong
An examination of feature selection frameworks in text categorization
B How, W Kiong
Information Retrieval Technology, 558-564, 2005
Using latent semantic analysis to identify quality in use (qu) indicators from user reviews
WTW Syn, BC How, I Atoum
arXiv preprint arXiv:1503.07294, 2015
Evaluation of deep learning for image-based black pepper disease and nutrient deficiency classification
CY Khew, YQ Teow, ET Lau, S San Hwang, CH Bong, NK Lee
2021 2nd International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Data …, 2021
Towards society 5.0: A pilot study on costless smart transportation business model
RS Roring, BC How
International Journal of Business and Society 23 (1), 73-87, 2022
Developing an Automated Essay Scorer with Feedback (AESF) for Malaysian University English Test (MUET): A Design-based Research Approach.
SY Ng, CH Bong, KS Hong, NK Lee
Pertanika Journal of Social Sciences & Humanities 27 (2), 2019
Automated essay scoring feedback (AESF): an innovative writing solution to the Malaysian University English test (MUET)
SY Ng, CH Bong, NK Lee, KS Hong
International Journal on E-Learning and Higher Education (IJELHE) 4, 130-143, 2016
A study for the development of automated essay scoring (AES) in Malaysian English test environment
WS Wong, CH Bong
International Journal of Innovative Computing 9 (1), 2019
Integrating scientific research: Theory and design of discovering similar constructs
J Endicott, KR Larsen, R Lukyanenko, CH Bong
2017 SIGSAND Symposium in Cincinnati, OH, 2017
Building a pilot software quality-in-use benchmark dataset
I Atoum, CH Bong, N Kulathuramaiyer
arXiv preprint arXiv:1509.05736, 2015
Categorical term descriptor: a proposed term weighting scheme for feature selection
BC How, N Kulathuramaiyer, WT Kiong
Web Intelligence, 2005. Proceedings. The 2005 IEEE/WIC/ACM International …, 2005
Inter-nomological network search engine
KR Larsen, CH Bong
Retrieved January 1st, 2019
Identification of personality traits for recruitment of unskilled occupations using Kansei engineering method
JK Tan, NK Lee, CH Bong, SA Sofian
Journal of Telecommunication, Electronic and Computer Engineering (JTEC) 9 …, 2017
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Articles 1–20