Manuel Anglada-Tort
Cited by
Cited by
Genome-wide association study of musical beat synchronization demonstrates high polygenicity
M Niarchou, DE Gustavson, JF Sathirapongsasuti, M Anglada-Tort, ...
Nature Human Behaviour, 1-18, 2022
Gibbs sampling with people
P Harrison, R Marjieh, F Adolfi, P van Rijn, M Anglada-Tort, ...
Advances in neural information processing systems 33, 10659-10671, 2020
Commonality and variation in mental representations of music revealed by a cross-cultural comparison of rhythm priors in 15 countries
N Jacoby, R Polak, JA Grahn, DJ Cameron, KM Lee, R Godoy, ...
Nature Human Behaviour, 1-32, 2024
Visualizing Music Psychology: A Bibliometric Analysis of Psychology of Music, Music Perception, and Musicae Scientiae from 1973 to 2017
M Anglada-Tort, KRM Sanfilippo
Music & Science 2, 2059204318811786, 2019
Names and titles matter: The impact of linguistic fluency and the affect heuristic on aesthetic and value judgements of music.
M Anglada-Tort, J Steffens, D Müllensiefen
Psychology of aesthetics, creativity, and the arts 13 (3), 277, 2019
Processing of emotional words in bilinguals: Testing the effects of word concreteness, task type and language status
P Ferré, M Anglada-Tort, M Guasch
Second Language Research 34 (3), 371-394, 2018
The repeated recording illusion: The effects of extrinsic and individual difference factors on musical judgments
M Anglada-Tort, D Müllensiefen
Music Perception: An Interdisciplinary Journal 35 (1), 94-117, 2017
Large-scale iterated singing experiments reveal oral transmission mechanisms underlying music evolution
M Anglada-Tort, PMC Harrison, H Lee, N Jacoby
Current Biology 33 (8), 1472-1486. e12, 2023
Globally, songs and instrumental melodies are slower and higher and use more stable pitches than speech: A Registered Report
Y Ozaki, A Tierney, PQ Pfordresher, JM McBride, E Benetos, P Proutskova, ...
Science advances 10 (20), eadm9797, 2024
REPP: A robust cross-platform solution for online sensorimotor synchronization experiments
M Anglada-Tort, PMC Harrison, N Jacoby
Behavior research methods 54 (5), 2271-2285, 2022
I’ve heard that brand before: The role of music recognition on consumer choice
M Anglada-Tort, K Schofield, T Trahan, D Müllensiefen
International Journal of Advertising 41 (8), 1567-1587, 2022
What counts as Aesthetics in Science? A Bibliometric Analysis and Visualization of the Scientific Literature from 1970 to 2018.
M Anglada-Tort, M Skov
Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 2020
Popular music lyrics and musicians’ gender over time: A computational approach
M Anglada-Tort, AE Krause, AC North
Psychology of Music 49 (3), 426-444, 2021
Building sustainable global collaborative networks: Recommendations from music studies and the social sciences
PE Savage, N Jacoby, EH Margulis, H Daikoku, M Anglada-Tort, ...
The Science-Music Borderlands, 2023
The impact of source effects on the evaluation of music for advertising: Are there differences in how advertising professionals and consumers judge music?
M Anglada-Tort, S Keller, J Steffens, D Müllensiefen
Journal of Advertising Research 61 (1), 95-109, 2021
False memories in music listening: Exploring the misinformation effect and individual difference factors in auditory memory
M Anglada-Tort, T Baker, D Müllensiefen
Memory 27 (5), 612-627, 2019
The busking experiment: A field study measuring behavioral responses to street music performances.
M Anglada-Tort, H Thueringer, D Omigie
Psychomusicology: Music, Mind, and Brain 29 (1), 46, 2019
The Behavioural Economics of Music: Systematic review and future directions
M Anglada-Tort, N Masters, J Steffens, A North, D Müllensiefen
Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology 76 (5), 1177-1194, 2023
Inducing and disrupting flow during music performance
J Zielke, M Anglada-Tort, J Berger
Frontiers in Psychology 14, 1187153, 2023
Here comes the sun: music features of popular songs reflect prevailing weather conditions
M Anglada-Tort, H Lee, AE Krause, AC North
Royal Society Open Science 10 (5), 221443, 2023
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Articles 1–20