Geert Hensgens
Geert Hensgens
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Sphagnum farming in a eutrophic world: The importance of optimal nutrient stoichiometry
RJM Temmink, C Fritz, G van Dijk, G Hensgens, LPM Lamers, M Krebs, ...
Ecological Engineering 98, 196-205, 2017
Unified understanding of intrinsic and extrinsic controls of dissolved organic carbon reactivity in aquatic ecosystems
M Berggren, F Guillemette, M Bieroza, I Buffam, A Deininger, JA Hawkes, ...
Ecology 103 (9), e3763, 2022
The role of the understory in litter DOC and nutrient leaching in boreal forests
G Hensgens, H Laudon, M Peichl, IA Gil, Q Zhou, M Berggren
Biogeochemistry, 1-17, 2020
Symbiosis revisited: phosphorus and acid buffering stimulate N2 fixation but not Sphagnum growth
E Van Den Elzen, MAR Kox, SF Harpenslager, G Hensgens, C Fritz, ...
Biogeosciences 14 (5), 1111-1122, 2017
Systematic microbial production of optically active dissolved organic matter in subarctic lake water
M Berggren, C Gudasz, F Guillemette, G Hensgens, L Ye, J Karlsson
Limnology and Oceanography 65 (5), 951-961, 2020
Impacts of litter decay on organic leachate composition and reactivity
G Hensgens, OJ Lechtenfeld, F Guillemette, H Laudon, M Berggren
Biogeochemistry 154, 99-117, 2021
High-resolution spatial patterns and drivers of terrestrial ecosystem carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide fluxes in the tundra
AM Virkkala, P Niittynen, J Kemppinen, ME Marushchak, C Voigt, ...
Biogeosciences Discussions 2023, 1-29, 2023
The undetected loss of aged carbon from boreal mineral soils
G Hensgens, H Laudon, MS Johnson, M Berggren
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 6202, 2021
Ecohydrological analysis of a groundwater influenced blanket bog: occurrence of Schoenus nigricans in Roundstone Bog, Connemara, Ireland
AP Grootjans, G Hensgens, R Hogenboom, B Aarts, J Manschot, ...
Mires and Peat 18, 10, 2016
Nutrient limitation masks the dissolved organic matter composition effects on bacterial metabolism in unproductive freshwaters
M Berggren, L Ye, RA Sponseller, AK Bergström, J Karlsson, H Verheijen, ...
Limnology and Oceanography 68 (9), 2059-2069, 2023
Drought Offsets the Controls on Colored Dissolved Organic Matter in Lakes
ES Al-Kharusi, G Hensgens, AM Abdi, T Kutser, J Karlsson, ...
Remote Sensing 16 (8), 1345, 2024
Data and code for" High-resolution spatial patterns and drivers of terrestrial ecosystem carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide fluxes in the tundra"
AM Virkkala, P Niittynen, J Kemppinen, M Marushchak, C Voigt, ...
Simultaneous hot and dry extreme‐events increase wetland methane emissions: An assessment of compound extreme‐event impacts using Ameriflux and FLUXNET‐CH4 site data sets
TJR Lippmann, Y van der Velde, K Naudts, G Hensgens, JE Vonk, ...
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 38 (9), e2024GB008201, 2024
Summer drought weakens land surface cooling of tundra vegetation
N Rietze, JJ Assmann, E Plekhanova, K Naegeli, A Damm, TC Maximov, ...
Environmental Research Letters 19 (4), 044043, 2024
The long-term Net Ecosystem Exchange of a remote Siberian high arctic site
G Hensgens, J Vonk, R Petrov, S Karsanaev, T Maximov, H Dolman
EGU General Assembly Conference Abstracts, EGU22-11774, 2022
Revealing the fine-scale heterogeneity of Arctic terrestrial greenhouse gas fluxes
AM Virkkala, P Niittynen, J Kemppinen, G Hensgens, J Kerttula, C Voigt, ...
AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts 2020, B102-09, 2020
Dissolved organic matter across terrestrial and aquatic systems: sources, chemistry and microbial processing
G Hensgens
Different boreal terrestrial DOC sources show different δ13C signatures: implications for tracing labile doc across the land-water interface
G Hensgens, O Lechtenfeld, M Berggren
ASLO Summer Meeting 2018, 2018
Large Interspecific Differences in Dissolved Organic Carbon Decomposition from Boreal Litter Sources
G Hensgens, C Arellano, B Smith, A Poska, M Berggren
Multiple drivers for Earth system changes in the Baltic Sea region, 39, 2016
High variability in the decay of dissolved organic carbon from different boreal litter sources; a challenge to land-water carbon flux modeling
G Hensgens, C Arellano, B Smith, A Poska, M Berggren
ASLO Summer meeting, 2016, 2016
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Articles 1–20