Brian McNoldy
Brian McNoldy
Senior Research Associate 3
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Rapid filamentation zones in intense tropical cyclones
CM Rozoff, WH Schubert, BD McNoldy, JP Kossin
Journal of the atmospheric sciences 63 (1), 325-340, 2006
A cognitive‐affective scale for hurricane risk perception
CW Trumbo, L Peek, MA Meyer, HL Marlatt, E Gruntfest, BD McNoldy, ...
Risk analysis 36 (12), 2233-2246, 2016
The low‐level circulation of the North American Monsoon as revealed by QuikSCAT
S Bordoni, PE Ciesielski, RH Johnson, BD McNoldy, B Stevens
Geophysical Research Letters 31 (10), 2004
Vortical swirls in hurricane eye clouds
JP Kossin, BD McNoldy, WH Schubert
Monthly Weather Review 130 (12), 3144-3149, 2002
On the distribution of subsidence in the hurricane eye
WH Schubert, CM Rozoff, JL Vigh, BD McNoldy, JP Kossin
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society: A journal of the …, 2007
A classification of binary tropical cyclone–like vortex interactions
R Prieto, BD McNoldy, SR Fulton, WH Schubert
Monthly weather review 131 (11), 2656-2666, 2003
Multiscale variability of the flow during the North American Monsoon Experiment
RH Johnson, PE Ciesielski, BD McNoldy, PJ Rogers, RK Taft
Journal of Climate 20 (9), 1628-1648, 2007
Time evolution of the intensity and size of tropical cyclones
KD Musgrave, RK Taft, JL Vigh, BD McNoldy, WH Schubert
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 4 (3), 2012
Observed inner-core structural variability in Hurricane Dolly (2008)
EA Hendricks, BD McNoldy, WH Schubert
Monthly weather review 140 (12), 4066-4077, 2012
Shock‐like structures in the tropical cyclone boundary layer
GJ Williams, RK Taft, BD McNoldy, WH Schubert
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 5 (2), 338-353, 2013
Application of the concepts of Rossby length and Rossby depth to tropical cyclone dynamics
WH Schubert, BD McNoldy
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems 2 (3), 2010
Variational analysis of simulated ocean surface winds from the Cyclone Global Navigation Satellite System (CYGNSS) and evaluation using a regional OSSE
SM Leidner, B Annane, B McNoldy, R Hoffman, R Atlas
Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology 35 (8), 1571-1584, 2018
Triple eyewall in hurricane Juliette
BD McNoldy
Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 85 (11), 1663-1666, 2004
A study of the HWRF analysis and forecast impact of realistically simulated CYGNSS observations assimilated as scalar wind speeds and as VAM wind vectors
B Annane, B McNoldy, SM Leidner, R Hoffman, R Atlas, SJ Majumdar
Monthly Weather Review 146 (7), 2221-2236, 2018
Evaluation of the surface wind field over land in WRF simulations of Hurricane Wilma (2005). Part I: Model initialization and simulation validation
DS Nolan, BD McNoldy, J Yunge
Monthly weather review 149 (3), 679-695, 2021
Impact of assimilating CYGNSS data on tropical cyclone analyses and forecasts in a regional OSSE framework
BD McNoldy, B Annane, SJ Majumdar, J Delgado, L Bucci, R Atlas
Marine Technology Society Journal 51 (1), 7-15, 2017
Surface winds, divergence, and vorticity in stratocumulus regions using QuikSCAT and reanalysis winds
BD McNoldy, PE Ciesielski, WH Schubert, RH Johnson
Geophysical research letters 31 (8), 2004
Evaluation of the surface wind field over land in WRF simulations of Hurricane Wilma (2005). Part II: Surface winds, inflow angles, and boundary layer profiles
DS Nolan, BD McNoldy, J Yunge, FJ Masters, IM Giammanco
Monthly Weather Review 149 (3), 697-713, 2021
Assessing the accuracy of the cloud and water vapor fields in the hurricane WRF (HWRF) model using satellite infrared brightness temperatures
JA Otkin, WE Lewis, AJ Lenzen, BD McNoldy, SJ Majumdar
Monthly Weather Review 145 (5), 2027-2046, 2017
Spontaneous‐adjustment emission of inertia‐gravity waves by unsteady vortical motion in the hurricane core
EA Hendricks, WH Schubert, SR Fulton, BD McNoldy
Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society: A journal of the …, 2010
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Articles 1–20