Paul K.J. Han
Paul K.J. Han
National Cancer Institute
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How numeracy influences risk comprehension and medical decision making.
VF Reyna, WL Nelson, PK Han, NF Dieckmann
Psychological bulletin 135 (6), 943, 2009
Varieties of uncertainty in health care: a conceptual taxonomy
PKJ Han, WMP Klein, NK Arora
Medical Decision Making 31 (6), 828-838, 2011
A three-talk model for shared decision making: multistage consultation process
G Elwyn, MA Durand, J Song, J Aarts, PJ Barr, Z Berger, N Cochran, ...
bmj 359, 2017
Presenting quantitative information about decision outcomes: a risk communication primer for patient decision aid developers
LJ Trevena, BJ Zikmund-Fisher, A Edwards, W Gaissmaier, M Galesic, ...
BMC medical informatics and decision making 13, 1-15, 2013
Tolerance of uncertainty: Conceptual analysis, integrative model, and implications for healthcare
MA Hillen, CM Gutheil, TD Strout, EMA Smets, PKJ Han
Social science & medicine 180, 62-75, 2017
Communicating the uncertainty of harms and benefits of medical interventions
MC Politi, PKJ Han, NF Col
Medical Decision Making 27 (5), 681-695, 2007
The relationship between uncertainty and affect
EC Anderson, RN Carleton, M Diefenbach, PKJ Han
Frontiers in psychology 10, 2504, 2019
Differences between primary care physicians’ and oncologists’ knowledge, attitudes and practices regarding the care of cancer survivors
AL Potosky, PKJ Han, J Rowland, CN Klabunde, T Smith, N Aziz, C Earle, ...
Journal of general internal medicine 26, 1403-1410, 2011
Decision making and cancer.
VF Reyna, WL Nelson, PK Han, MP Pignone
American Psychologist 70 (2), 105, 2015
Impact of cancer on health-related quality of life of older Americans
BB Reeve, AL Potosky, AW Smith, PK Han, RD Hays, WW Davis, ...
JNCI: Journal of the National Cancer Institute 101 (12), 860-868, 2009
Cancer care coordination: a systematic review and meta-analysis of over 30 years of empirical studies
SS Gorin, D Haggstrom, PKJ Han, KM Fairfield, P Krebs, SB Clauser
Annals of Behavioral Medicine 51 (4), 532-546, 2017
Tolerance of uncertainty: A systematic review of health and healthcare-related outcomes
TD Strout, M Hillen, C Gutheil, E Anderson, R Hutchinson, H Ward, H Kay, ...
Patient education and counseling 101 (9), 1518-1537, 2018
Conceptual, methodological, and ethical problems in communicating uncertainty in clinical evidence
Medical Care Research and Review 70 (1_suppl), 14S-36S, 2013
Perceived ambiguity about cancer prevention recommendations: relationship to perceptions of cancer preventability, risk, and worry
PKJ Han, RP Moser, WMP Klein
Journal of health communication 11 (S1), 51-69, 2006
Timeliness of access to lung cancer diagnosis and treatment: a scoping literature review
MM Jacobsen, SC Silverstein, M Quinn, LB Waterston, CA Thomas, ...
Lung cancer 112, 156-164, 2017
Shared decision-making as an existential journey: aiming for restored autonomous capacity
P Gulbrandsen, ML Clayman, MC Beach, PK Han, EF Boss, EH Ofstad, ...
Patient Education and Counseling 99 (9), 1505-1510, 2016
Conflicting health information: a critical research need
DM Carpenter, LL Geryk, AT Chen, RH Nagler, NF Dieckmann, PKJ Han
Health Expectations 19 (6), 1173-1182, 2016
Rethinking the objectives of decision aids: a call for conceptual clarity
WL Nelson, PKJ Han, A Fagerlin, M Stefanek, PA Ubel
Medical Decision Making 27 (5), 609-618, 2007
Prevalence of tamoxifen use for breast cancer chemoprevention among US women
EA Waters, KA Cronin, BI Graubard, PK Han, AN Freedman
Cancer epidemiology, biomarkers & prevention 19 (2), 443-446, 2010
Communication of uncertainty regarding individualized cancer risk estimates: effects and influential factors
PKJ Han, WMP Klein, T Lehman, B Killam, H Massett, AN Freedman
Medical Decision Making 31 (2), 354-366, 2011
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