Xin Ge
Cited by
Cited by
On the Relationship between My Avatar and Myself
PR Messinger, X Ge, E Stroulia, K Lyons, K Smirnov, M Bone
Journal of Virtual Worlds Research 1 (2), 1-17, 2008
Influence of Soldout Products on Consumer Choice
X Ge, PR Messinger, J Li
Journal of Retailing 85 (3), 274-283, 2009
Reflections of the extended self: Visual self-representation in avatar-mediated environments
PR Messinger, X Ge, K Smirnov, E Stroulia, K Lyons
Journal of Business Research 100, 531-546, 2019
What to Say When: Influencing Consumer Choice by Delaying the Presentation of Favorable Information
X Ge, G Häubl, T Elrod
Journal of Consumer Research 38 (6), 1004-1021, 2012
The preference-signaling effect of search
X Ge, N Brigden, G Häubl
Journal of Consumer Psychology 25 (2), 245-256, 2015
Consumer Perceptions of Ambiguous Price Promotions: Scratch and Save Promotions versus Tensile Price Claims
S Choi, X Ge, PR Messinger
Journal of Product & Brand Management 19 (7), 477-486, 2010
Seven challenges to combining human and automated service
PR Messinger, J Li, E Stroulia, D Galletta, X Ge, S Choi
Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences/Revue Canadienne des Sciences de …, 2009
Advertising in virtual worlds: Facilitating a hierarchy of engagement
PR Messinger, X Ge
Handbook of research on digital media and advertising: User generated …, 2011
Gleaning inferences from soldout products
X Ge, PR Messinger, Y Lin
Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 49, 173-185, 2019
i Bone, M.(2008). On the relationship between my avatar and myself
PR Messinger, X Ge, E Stroulia, K Lyons, K Smirnov
Journal For Virtual Worlds Research 1 (2), 0
The Future of the Market Research Profession
PR Messinger, X Ge
Working Through Synthetic Worlds, 15-44, 2018
Virtual Communities
PR Messinger, K Smirnov, X Ge
The Palgrave Encyclopedia of the Possible, 1725-1740, 2023
Facilitating a Hierarchy of Engagement: Corporate Education in Virtual Worlds
PR Messinger, X Ge, GE Mayhew, R Niu, E Stroulia
Virtual Environments for Corporate Education: Employee Learning and …, 2010
Gleaning Signals From Sold-Out Products
X Ge, P Messinger, Y Lin
ACR North American Advances, 2012
Catching More Flies With Vinegar: the Ironic Effect of Product-Specific Search Cost on Consumer Choice
X Ge, G Häubl, N Brigden
ACR North American Advances, 2011
A systems approach to hybrid service: authors' response to commentary
PR Messinger, J Li, E Stroulia, D Galletta, X Ge, S Choi
Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences/Revue Canadienne des Sciences de …, 2010
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Articles 1–16