Wendy Beekes
Wendy Beekes
Lecturer in Accounting, Lancaster University
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Corporate governance, accounting and finance: A review
P Brown, W Beekes, P Verhoeven
Accounting & finance 51 (1), 96-172, 2011
The link between earnings timeliness, earnings conservatism and board composition: evidence from the UK
W Beekes, P Pope, S Young
Corporate Governance: An International Review 12 (1), 47-59, 2004
Do better-governed Australian firms make more informative disclosures?
W Beekes, P Brown
Financial Accounting and Equity Markets, 233-261, 2013
The ‘Millionaire’method for encouraging participation
W Beekes
Active learning in higher education 7 (1), 25-36, 2006
Corporate Governance, Companies' Disclosure Practices and Market Transparency: A Cross Country Study
W Beekes, P Brown, W Zhan, Q Zhang
Journal of Business Finance & Accounting 43 (3 & 4), 263-297, 2016
Corporate governance and the informativeness of disclosures in A ustralia: a re‐examination
W Beekes, P Brown, Q Zhang
Accounting & Finance 55 (4), 931-963, 2015
On the timeliness of price discovery
W Beekes, PR Brown
Available at SSRN 938982, 2007
Corporate governance and transparency in Japan
H Aman, W Beekes, P Brown
The International Journal of Accounting 56 (01), 2150003, 2021
Do better governed firms make more informative disclosures
W Beekes, P Brown, G Chin
Canadian Evidence, 2007
Responsible science: Celebrating the 50-year legacy of using a registration-based framework
H Aman, W Beekes, H Berkman, M Bohmann, M Bradbury, L Chapple, ...
Pacific-Basin Finance Journal 56, 129-150, 2019
Do better-governed firms make more informative disclosures? Canadian evidence
W Beekes, PR Brown, G Chin
Canadian Evidence (May 2007), 2007
An alternative measure of corporate governance using discrete principal component analysis
W Beekes, A Hong, SA Owen
Available at SSRN 1623005, 2010
Corporate governance and transparency in Japan
H Aman, WA Beekes, P Brown
Univ. Management School, 2011
The effects of corporate governance on information disclosure, timeliness and market participants’ expectations
W Beekes, PR Brown, G Chin, Q Zhang
Timeliness and Market Participants’ Expectations (June 1, 2016), 2016
Factors influencing quality threatening behaviour in a big four accounting firm
W Beekes, D Otley, V Ururuka
Available at SSRN 2462456, 2014
The role of credibility in the relation between management forecasts and analyst forecasts in Japan
H Aman, W Beekes, M Chang, M Wee
Pacific-Basin Finance Journal 55, 29-45, 2019
Litigation risk and auditor conservatism: a UK-US comparison
S Li, W Beekes, K Peasnell
Lancaster University Management School, Working Paper, 5, 2009
The use and consequences of performance management and control systems: a study of a professional services firm
W Beekes, DT Otley, V Ururuka
Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, 2010
Is that your final answer? Encouraging student participation using a personal response system
W Beekes
The Enhancing Series Case Studies: Student Centred Learning in Business and …, 2009
Earnings Management in Response to Regulatory Price Review. A Case Study of the Political Cost Hypothesis in the Water and Electricity Sectors in England and Wales
W Beekes
A Case Study of the Political Cost Hypothesis in the Water and Electricity …, 2003
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Articles 1–20