Jane Parry
Jane Parry
Associate Professor in Work and Employment at Southampton Business School
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Renegotiating identity and relationships: Men and women's adjustments to retirement
H Barnes, J Parry
Ageing & Society 24 (2), 213-233, 2004
A new sociology of work?
L Pettinger, J Parry, R Taylor, M Glucksmann
Wiley-Blackwell, 2006
The changing meaning of work: restructuring in the former coalmining communities of the South Wales Valleys
J Parry
Work, employment and society 17 (2), 227-246, 2003
Working after state pension age: qualitative research
H Barnes, J Parry, R Taylor
Corporate Document Services, 2004
Confronting the challenges of work today: New horizons and perspectives
J Parry, R Taylor, L Pettinger, M Glucksmann
The Sociological Review 53 (2_suppl), 1-18, 2005
Orientation, opportunity and autonomy: why people work after state pension age in three areas of England
J Parry, RF Taylor
Ageing & society 27 (4), 579-598, 2007
Farmers, farm workers and work-related stress
J Parry, R Lindsey, R Taylor
HMSO, 2005
Working from home under COVID-19 lockdown: Transitions and tensions
J Parry, Z Young, S Bevan, M Veliziotis, Y Baruch, M Beigi, Z Bajorek, ...
University of Southampton, 2021
Forging a new future: The experiences and expectations of people leaving paid work over 50
H Barnes, J Parry, J Lakey
Policy Press, 2002
Independent living in later life
J Parry, S Vegeris, M Hudson, H Barnes, R Taylor
HMSO, 2004
Getting a Chance: Employment Service Support for Young People with Multiple Disadvantages
J Lakey, H Barnes, J Parry
Joseph Rowntree Foundation, 2001
From the third sector to the Big Society: consensus or contention in the 2010 UK General Election?
P Alcock, J Kendall, J Parry
Voluntary Sector Review 3 (3), 347-363, 2012
Ethnic minority outreach: An evaluation
H Barnes, M Hudson, J Parry, M Sahin-Dikmen, RF Taylor, D Wilkinson
Corporate Document Services, 2005
Care in the Community? Gender and the reconfiguration of community work in a post-mining neighbourhood
J Parry
The Sociological Review 53 (2_suppl), 149-166, 2005
The new dynamics of work: A scoping study
S Halford, M Hudson, P Leonard, J Parry, R Taylor
University of Southampton, 2016
From crisis to mixed picture to phoney war: tracing third sector discourse in the 2008/9 recession
R Taylor, J Parry, P Alcock
University of Birmingham, 2012
Getting the measure of prosocial behaviors: A comparison of participation and volunteering data in the national child development study and the linked social participation and …
K Brookfield, J Parry, V Bolton
Nonprofit and voluntary sector quarterly 47 (5), 1081-1101, 2018
Becoming an age-friendly employer: evidence report
D Smeaton, J Parry
United Kingdom: Centre for Ageing Better, 2018
Monitoring active ageing in the Asia-Pacific region: Recommendations for future implementation of the MIPAA
J Parry, J Um, A Zaidi
International Journal of Ageing in Developing Countries 2 (2), 82-98, 2018
Work After Lockdown: No Going Back: What we have learned working from home through the COVID-19 pandemic
J Parry, Z Young, S Bevan, M Veliziotis, Y Baruch, M Beigi, Z Bajorek, ...
University of Southampton, 2022
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