Sara Waters
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Cited by
Asians and Asian Americans’ experiences of racial discrimination during the COVID-19 pandemic: Impacts on health outcomes and the buffering role of social support.
S Lee, SF Waters
Stigma and Health 6 (1), 70, 2021
Emotion regulation and attachment: Unpacking two constructs and their association
SF Waters, EA Virmani, RA Thompson, S Meyer, HA Raikes, R Jochem
Journal of psychopathology and behavioral assessment 32, 37-47, 2010
Parent emotion representations and the socialization of emotion regulation in the family
S Meyer, HA Raikes, EA Virmani, S Waters, RA Thompson
International Journal of Behavioral Development 38 (2), 164-173, 2014
Stress contagion: Physiological covariation between mothers and infants
SF Waters, TV West, WB Mendes
Psychological science 25 (4), 934-942, 2014
Stressors, coping, and resources needed during the COVID-19 pandemic in a sample of perinatal women
C Barbosa-Leiker, CL Smith, EJ Crespi, O Brooks, E Burduli, S Ranjo, ...
BMC pregnancy and childbirth 21, 1-13, 2021
Affect contagion between mothers and infants: Examining valence and touch.
SF Waters, TV West, HR Karnilowicz, WB Mendes
Journal of Experimental Psychology: General 146 (7), 1043, 2017
Children’s perceptions of the effectiveness of strategies for regulating anger and sadness
SF Waters, RA Thompson
International Journal of Behavioral Development 38 (2), 174-181, 2014
Keep it to yourself? Parent emotion suppression influences physiological linkage and interaction behavior.
SF Waters, HR Karnilowicz, TV West, WB Mendes
Journal of Family Psychology 34 (7), 784, 2020
2 The Development of Emotion Self-Regulation: The Whole and the Sum of the Parts
RA Thompson, EA Virmani, SF Waters, HA Raikes, S Meyer
Handbook of self-regulatory processes in development, 5-26, 2013
Not in front of the kids: Effects of parental suppression on socialization behaviors during cooperative parent–child interactions.
HR Karnilowicz, SF Waters, WB Mendes
Emotion 19 (7), 1183, 2019
Objective sleep measurement in typically and atypically developing preschool children with ADHD-like profiles
BL Goodlin-Jones, S Waters, TF Anders
Child Psychiatry and Human Development 40, 257-268, 2009
Substance use and mental health in pregnant women during the COVID-19 pandemic
CL Smith, SF Waters, D Spellacy, E Burduli, O Brooks, CL Carty, S Ranjo, ...
Journal of reproductive and infant psychology 40 (5), 465-478, 2022
Applying the evidence we have: Support for having race conversations in White US families
SP Perry, AL Skinner-Dorkenoo, JL Abaied, SF Waters
Perspectives on Psychological Science 17 (3), 895-900, 2022
Children’s perceptions of emotion regulation strategy effectiveness: links with attachment security
SF Waters, RA Thompson
Attachment & Human Development 18 (4), 354-372, 2016
Exploring how parent-child conversations about race influence children’s implicit biases
S Perry, AL Skinner, J Abaied, A Osnaya, SF Waters
PsyArXiv. May 18, 2020
The impact of maternal depression and overcrowded housing on associations between autonomic nervous system reactivity and externalizing behavior problems in vulnerable Latino …
SF Waters, WT Boyce, B Eskenazi, A Alkon
Psychophysiology 53 (1), 97-104, 2016
Physiological and relational predictors of mother-infant behavioral coordination
SF Waters, WB Mendes
Adaptive human behavior and physiology 2, 298-310, 2016
The interactive effect of family conflict history and physiological reactivity on different forms of aggression in young women
MJ Hagan, SF Waters, S Holley, L Moctezuma, M Gentry
Biological psychology 153, 107888, 2020
Improvements in the Child‐Rearing Attitudes of Latina Mothers Exposed to Interpersonal Trauma Predict Greater Maternal Sensitivity Toward Their 6‐Month‐Old Infants
SF Waters, MJ Hagan, L Rivera, AF Lieberman
Journal of traumatic stress 28 (5), 426-433, 2015
Evidence for attachment vitamins: a trauma-informed universal prevention programme for parents of young children
SF Waters, A Hulette, M Davis, R Bernstein, A Lieberman
Early Child Development and Care 190 (7), 1109-1114, 2020
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Articles 1–20