Julien Touboul
Julien Touboul
École Centrale Méditerranée
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Influence of wind on extreme wave events: experimental and numerical approaches
C Kharif, JP Giovanangeli, J Touboul, L Grare, E Pelinovsky
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 594, 209-247, 2008
Freak waves under the action of wind: experiments and simulations
J Touboul, JP Giovanangeli, C Kharif, E Pelinovsky
European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids 25 (5), 662-676, 2006
Head-on collision of two solitary waves and residual falling jet formation
J Chambarel, C Kharif, J Touboul
Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 16 (1), 111-122, 2009
Forces and moment on a horizontal plate due to regular and irregular waves in the presence of current
V Rey, J Touboul
Applied Ocean Research 33 (2), 88-99, 2011
Extended mild-slope equation for surface waves interacting with a vertically sheared current
J Touboul, J Charland, V Rey, K Belibassakis
Coastal Engineering 116, 77-88, 2016
An experimental study of steep solitary wave reflection at a vertical wall
YY Chen, C Kharif, JH Yang, HC Hsu, J Touboul, J Chambarel
European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids 49, 20-28, 2015
On the interaction of wind and steep gravity wave groups using Miles' and Jeffreys' mechanisms
J Touboul, C Kharif, E Pelinovsky, JP Giovanangeli
Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics 15 (6), 1023-1031, 2008
Wave propagation through dense vertical cylinder arrays: Interference process and specific surface effects on damping
G Arnaud, V Rey, J Touboul, D Sous, B Molin, F Gouaud
Applied Ocean Research 65, 229-237, 2017
Wave transformation over a barrier reef
D Sous, M Tissier, V Rey, J Touboul, F Bouchette, JL Devenon, ...
Continental shelf research 184, 66-80, 2019
Under which conditions the Benjamin-Feir instability may spawn an extreme wave event: A fully nonlinear approach
C Kharif, J Touboul
The European Physical Journal Special Topics 185 (1), 159-168, 2010
On the interaction of wind and extreme gravity waves due to modulational instability
J Touboul, C Kharif
Physics of Fluids 18 (10), 2006
Bottom pressure distribution under a solitonic wave reflecting on a vertical wall
J Touboul, E Pelinovsky
European Journal of Mechanics-B/Fluids 48, 13-18, 2014
Wave–current interaction in the presence of a three-dimensional bathymetry: Deep water wave focusing in opposing current conditions
V Rey, J Charland, J Touboul
Physics of Fluids 26 (9), 2014
Two-dimensional direct numerical simulations of the dynamics of rogue waves under wind action
J Touboul, C Kharif
Advances in numerical simulation of nonlinear water waves, 43-74, 2010
A coupled-mode model for water wave scattering by vertically sheared currents in variable bathymetry regions
KA Belibassakis, B Simon, J Touboul, V Rey
Wave Motion 74, 73-92, 2017
A nonlinear coupled-mode model for waves propagating in vertically sheared currents in variable bathymetry—collinear waves and currents
K Belibassakis, J Touboul
Fluids 4 (2), 61, 2019
Nonlinear focusing wave group on current
J Touboul, E Pelinovsky, C Kharif
Journal of Korean Society of Coastal and Ocean Engineers 19 (3), 222-227, 2007
Bottom pressure distribution due to wave scattering near a submerged obstacle
J Touboul, V Rey
Journal of fluid mechanics 702, 444-459, 2012
Nonlinear evolution of the modulational instability under weak forcing and damping
J Touboul, C Kharif
Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences 10 (12), 2589-2597, 2010
A mild-slope system for bragg scattering of water waves by sinusoidal bathymetry in the presence of vertically sheared currents
K Belibassakis, J Touboul, E Laffitte, V Rey
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 7 (1), 9, 2019
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Articles 1–20