Anna Ledin
Anna Ledin
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A persistent problem: Traditional gender roles hold back female scientists
A Ledin, L Bornmann, F Gannon, G Wallon
EMBO reports 8 (11), 982-987, 2007
Does the committee peer review select the best applicants for funding? An investigation of the selection process for two European molecular biology organization programmes
L Bornmann, G Wallon, A Ledin
PLoS one 3 (10), e3480, 2008
Is the h index related to (standard) bibliometric measures and to the assessments by peers? An investigation of the h index by using molecular life sciences data
L Bornmann, G Wallon, A Ledin
Research Evaluation 17 (2), 149-156, 2008
Generation of therapeutic antibody responses against IgE through vaccination
M Vernersson, A Ledin, J Johansson, L Hellman
The FASEB Journal 16 (8), 875-877, 2002
Generation of therapeutic antibody responses against IgE in dogs, an animal species with exceptionally high plasma IgE levels
A Ledin, K Bergvall, NS Hillbertz, H Hansson, G Andersson, ...
Vaccine 24 (1), 66-74, 2006
Identification of adjuvants that enhance the therapeutic antibody response to host IgE
J Johansson, A Ledin, M Vernersson, K Lövgren-Bengtsson, L Hellman
Vaccine 22 (21-22), 2873-2880, 2004
Are there really two types of h index variants? A validation study by using molecular life sciences data
L Bornmann, R Mutz, HD Daniel, G Wallon, A Ledin
Research Evaluation 18 (3), 185-190, 2009
High plasma IgE levels within the Scandinavian wolf population, and its implications for mammalian IgE homeostasis
A Ledin, JM Arnemo, O Liberg, L Hellman
Molecular immunology 45 (7), 1976-1980, 2008
Career development and motivation analyses of female and male applicants to the EMBO Long-Term-Fellowship Programme
A Ledin, L Bornmann, G Wallon
Forschungsförderung aus Geschlechterperspektive. Zugang, Bedeutung und …, 2010
An Interval on Rat Chromosome 4 Influences IgE Levels in Naive Rats and in Rats Developing Pristane-Induced Arthritis
A Ledin, U Ribbhammar, L Hellman, J Lorentzen
Levels of IgE are Exceptionally High in Dogs and do not appear to Correlate With Autoimmune or Dermatitis Status, but can still be Reduced with a New Therapeutic Vaccine
A Ledin, K Bergvall, N Salmon Hillbertz, H Hansson, G Andersson, ...
More or Less IgE: Therapeutic Vaccines, Adjuvants and Genes and Their Effect on IgE Levels
A Ledin
Acta Universitatis Upsaliensis, 2004
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Articles 1–12