Yinghong Susan Wei
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Cited by
Supportiveness of organizational climate, market orientation, and new product performance in Chinese firms
YS Wei, NA Morgan
Journal of Product Innovation Management 21 (6), 375-388, 2004
The influence of organic organizational cultures, market responsiveness, and product strategy on firm performance in an emerging market
YS Wei, S Samiee, RP Lee
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 42 (1), 49-70, 2014
The Vital Role of Problem‐Solving Competence in New Product Success*
K Atuahene‐Gima, YS Wei
Journal of Product Innovation Management 28 (1), 81-98, 2011
Making sense of a market information system for superior performance: The roles of organizational responsiveness and innovation strategy
YS Wei, Q Wang
Industrial Marketing Management 40 (2), 267-277, 2011
The impact of innovative culture on individual employees: The moderating role of market information sharing
YS Wei, H O'Neill, RP Lee, N Zhou
Journal of Product Innovation Management 30 (5), 1027-1041, 2013
The moderating role of reward systems in the relationship between market orientation and new product performance in China
YS Wei, K Atuahene-Gima
International Journal of Research in Marketing 26 (2), 89-96, 2009
Market orientation and innovation performance: The moderating roles of firm ownership structures
J Song, YS Wei, R Wang
International Journal of Research in Marketing 32 (3), 319-331, 2015
Countervailing effects of value and risk perceptions in manufacturers' adoption of expensive, discontinuous innovations
TT Gao, G Leichter, YS Wei
Industrial Marketing Management 41 (4), 659-668, 2012
Investigating e-business models’ value retention for start-ups: The moderating role of venture capital investment intensity
L Guo, YS Wei, R Sharma, K Rong
International Journal of Production Economics 186, 33-45, 2017
Should firms consider employee input in reward system design? The effect of participation on market orientation and new product performance
YS Wei, GL Frankwick, BH Nguyen
Journal of Product Innovation Management 29 (4), 546-558, 2012
How Does Perceived Integrity in Leadership Matter to Firms in a Transitional Economy?
YS Wei, H O’Neill, N Zhou
Journal of Business Ethics 167 (4), 623-641, 2020
Consumer adoption intentions toward the Internet in China: The effects of impersonal and interpersonal communication channels
YS Wei, GL Frankwick, TT Gao, N Zhou
Journal of Advertising Research 51 (4), 594-607, 2011
Market orientation and successful new product innovation: The role of competency traps
S Wei
Available at SSRN 1260431, 2006
Do employee orientation and societal orientation matter in the customer orientation—Performance link?
RP Lee, S Wei
Journal of Business Research 159, 113722, 2023
The mediating role of supportivenss of organizational climate in the relationship between market orientation and new product performance in Chinese firms
Y Wei, N Morgan
American Marketing Association. Conference Proceedings 13, 185, 2002
How should firms orchestrate intrinsic and extrinsic motivational strategies for diverse value-creation outcomes: Synergy or trade-off effect?
YS Wei
Industrial Marketing Management 122 ( …, 2024
An exploratory text analysis of the emerging intellectual structure of artificial intelligence-titled marketing publications
YS Wei
Management Research Quarterly 1 (2), 25-33, 2024
Market orientation, organizational climate, compensation strategy and new product performance
Y Wei
Dept. of Management, City University of Hong Kong, 1999
Exploring the Interaction of Incentives and Benefits on New Product Performance
YS Wei
Journal of Business and Management Studies 6 (5), 138-144, 2024
Demystifying Learning Traps in a New Product Innovation Process
YS Wei
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Articles 1–20