Temporal fuzzy case-based reasoning retrieval T Tanawong Chiang Mai Journal of Science 44 (1), 267-278, 2017 | 3 | 2017 |
An ontology-based case matching technique T Tanawong, S Chittayasothorn The Third IASTED International Conference on Advances in Computer Science
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Toward a validtime case-based reasoning system T Tanawong, S Chittayasothorn The 12th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics
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A fact-based object-oriented database design tool with a natural language interface T Tanawong, S Chittayasothorn 2000 TENCON Proceedings. Intelligent Systems and Technologies for the New
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ระบบ ประเมิน ราคา โทรศัพท์ รับ จำนำ ด้วย เทคนิค การ เรียน รู้ เชิง ลึก: ศุภกร นาค วิจิตร ไพฑูรย์ 1 เท วิน ธ นะ วงษ์ 1 T Tanawong Journal of Science Innovation for Sustainable Development 4 (2), 2739-2739, 2022 | | 2022 |
The Performance Comparison of Models for Predicting the Risk of Losing Student Loan by Fuzzy Neural Network Method and Multiple Linear Regression Analysis Method T Tanawong, S Khruahong, A Roongrungsi Naresuan University Journal: Science and Technology (NUJST) 28 (2), 81-93, 2020 | | 2020 |
The Development and Comparing the Performance of Temporal Fuzzy Neural Network Technique and Temporal Fuzzy Decision Trees Case Study of Suitable Thai Elderly Tourists T Tanawong, S Dachasilaruk Naresuan University Journal: Science and Technology (NUJST) 27 (2), 36-47, 2019 | | 2019 |
The Development of Obesity Forecasting Model using Fuzzy Data Mining Techniques: Case study of the Primary School in Lower Northern Provinces (Thailand) T Tanawong Naresuan University Journal: Science and Technology (NUJST) 26 (4), 26-37, 2018 | | 2018 |
Using Case Based Reasoning to Answer Exam Questions T Tanawong Naresuan University Journal: Science and Technology (NUJST) 21 (3), 26-38, 2014 | | 2014 |