mohammad reza khalili shoja
mohammad reza khalili shoja
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Performance analysis of AODV under black hole attack through use of OPNET simulator
HA Esmaili, MR Shoja
arXiv preprint arXiv:1104.4544, 2011
Secret Common Randomness From Routing Metadata in Ad Hoc Networks
MRK Shoja
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 11 (8), 1674-1684, 2016
Preventing black hole attack in AODV through use of hash chain
MK Shoja, H Taheri, S Vakilinia
2011 19th Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering, 1-6, 2011
Alert correlation through a multi components architecture
S Dadkhah, MR KhaliliShoja, H Taheri
International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 3 (4), 461, 2013
KERMAN: A Key Establishment Algorithm Based on Harvesting Randomness in MANETs
MRK Shoja
International Conference on Security and Management (SAM'16), 2016
Asymptotic converse bound for secret key capacity in hidden Markov model
MRK Shoja, GT Amariucai, Z Wang, S Wei, J Deng
2017 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory (ISIT), 1968-1972, 2017
A new approach to prevent black hole attack in AODV
M Shoja, H Taheri, S Vakilinia
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Security 9 (1), 24-29, 2011
Multi-path multi-channel protocol design for secure qos-aware VOIP in wireless ad-hoc networks
S Vakilinia, M Alvandi, MRK Shoja, I Vakilinia
6th Joint IFIP Wireless and Mobile Networking Conference (WMNC), 1-6, 2013
Cross-layered secure and QoS aware design of VOIP over wireless Ad-Hoc networks
S Vakilinia, M Alvandi, MK Shoja, I Vakilinia
International Journal of Business Data Communications and Networking (IJBDCN …, 2013
On the secret key capacity of sibling hidden Markov models
MRK Shoja, GT Amariucai, Z Wang, S Wei, J Deng
IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security 14 (2), 514-524, 2018
Secret key establishment from common randomness represented as complex correlated random processes: Practical algorithms and theoretical limits
MRK Shoja
Iowa State University, 2018
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Articles 1–11