Dongsheng He
Cited by
Cited by
Association between street greenery and walking behavior in older adults in Hong Kong
Y Yang, D He, Z Gou, R Wang, Y Liu, Y Lu
Sustainable Cities and Society 51, 101747, 2019
Examining non-linear associations between built environments around workplace and adults’ walking behaviour in Shanghai, China
H Yang, Q Zhang, M Helbich, Y Lu, D He, D Ettema, L Chen
Transportation research part A: policy and practice 155, 234-246, 2022
Urban greenery mitigates the negative effect of urban density on older adults' life satisfaction: Evidence from Shanghai, China
D He, J Miao, Y Lu, Y Song, L Chen, Y Liu
Cities 124, 103607, 2022
Compensation, housing situation and residents' satisfaction with the outcome of forced relocation: Evidence from urban China
X Huang, D He, S Tang, X Li
Cities 96, 102436, 2020
Large-scale greenway intervention promotes walking behaviors: A natural experiment in China
D He, Y Lu, B Xie, M Helbich
Transportation research part D: transport and environment 101, 103095, 2021
The effects of health on the settlement intention of rural–urban migrants: Evidence from eight Chinese cities
X Huang, D He, Y Liu, S Xie, R Wang, Z Shi
Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy 14, 31-49, 2021
Disentangling residential self-selection from the influence of built environment characteristics on adiposity outcomes among undergraduate students in China
H Yang, D He, Y Lu, C Ren, X Huang
Cities 113, 103165, 2021
How greenway exposure reduces body weight: A natural experiment in China
D He, Y Lu, B Xie, M Helbich
Landscape and Urban Planning 226, 104502, 2022
Effects of neighborhood environment on different aspects of greenway use: Evidence from East Lake Greenway, China
B Xie, Z Pang, D He, Y Lu, Y Chen
Journal of Transport Geography 106, 103488, 2023
The effects of metro interventions on physical activity and walking among older adults: A natural experiment in Hong Kong
D He, G Sun, J De Vos, C Webster
Health & place 78, 102939, 2022
New metro and housing price and rent premiums: A natural experiment in China
D He, G Sun, L Li, C Webster
Urban Studies 61 (7), 1371-1392, 2024
Trading-off transit and non-transit physical activity among older people: evidence from longitudinal accelerometer data of a natural experiment study
EY Choe, D He, G Sun
Journal of Urban Health 100 (2), 408-417, 2023
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Articles 1–12