Jiaru Bai
Jiaru Bai
Operations and Decision Analytics, Stony Brook University
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Cited by
Coordinating supply and demand on an on-demand service platform with impatient customers
J Bai, KC So, CS Tang, X Chen, H Wang
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 21 (3), 556-570, 2019
A Markov model to evaluate cost-effectiveness of antiangiogenesis therapy using bevacizumab in advanced cervical cancer
LE Minion, J Bai, BJ Monk, LR Keller, EN Ramez, GK Forde, JK Chan, ...
Gynecologic oncology 137 (3), 490-496, 2015
Can two competing on-demand service platforms be profitable?
J Bai, CS Tang
International Journal of Production Economics 250, 108672, 2022
Optimal Subsidy Schemes and Budget Allocations for Government‐Subsidized Trade‐in Programs
J Bai, S Hu, L Gui, KC So, ZJ Ma
Production and Operations Management 30 (8), 2689-2706, 2021
Cost-effectiveness of niraparib, rucaparib, and olaparib for treatment of platinum-resistant, recurrent ovarian carcinoma
JE Wolford, J Bai, KN Moore, R Kristeleit, BJ Monk, KS Tewari
Gynecologic oncology 157 (2), 500-507, 2020
Driver collusion in ride‐hailing platforms
M Tripathy, J Bai, HS Heese
Decision Sciences 54 (4), 434-446, 2023
Comparing Markov and non-Markov alternatives for cost-effectiveness analysis: Insights from a cervical cancer case
C del Campo, J Bai, LR Keller
Operations Research for Health Care 21, 32-43, 2019
A queueing model for managing small projects under uncertainties
J Bai, KC So, C Tang
European Journal of Operational Research 253 (3), 777-790, 2016
Evaluating the cost-effectiveness of current FDA-approved PARP inhibitors for the treatment of recurrent ovarian cancer.
JE Wolford, J Bai, RH Eskander, R Keller, LE Minion, JK Chan, BJ Monk, ...
Journal of Clinical Oncology 35 (15_suppl), 5516-5516, 2017
Markov chain models in practice: A review of low cost software options
J Ba, C Del Campo, LR Kelle
Investigación Operacional 38 (1), 2017
Retail Distribution Strategy with Outlet Stores
J Bai, H Gurnani, S Yin
Production and Operations Management 31 (1), 281-303, 2022
SOLO1 versus SOLO2: Cost-effectiveness of olaparib as maintenance therapy for newly diagnosed and platinum-sensitive recurrent ovarian carcinoma among women with germline BRCA …
JE Wolford, KS Tewari, SY Liang, J Bai, AK Mann, KN Moore, ...
Journal of Clinical Oncology 37 (15_suppl), 5545-5545, 2019
Dynamics of a prey-dependent digestive model with state-dependent impulsive control
L Qian, Q Lu, J Bai, Z Feng
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos 22 (04), 1250092, 2012
Cost-effectiveness of maintenance therapy in advanced ovarian cancer: Paclitaxel, bevacizumab, niraparib, rucaparib, olaparib, and pembrolizumab.
JE Wolford, J Bai, LE Minion, R Keller, RN Eskander, JK Chan, BJ Monk, ...
Journal of Clinical Oncology 36 (15_suppl), 5508-5508, 2018
Time-based payout ratio for coordinating supply and demand on an on-demand service platform
J Bai, KC So, CS Tang, X Chen, H Wang
Sharing Economy: Making Supply Meet Demand, 115-136, 2019
A Markov model to evaluate cost-effectiveness of the PARP inhibitor, olaparib, for fourth-line treatment of recurrent ovarian cancer.
JE Wolford, J Bai, RH Eskander, R Keller, L Minion, JK Chan, BJ Monk, ...
Journal of Clinical Oncology 34 (15_suppl), 5563-5563, 2016
Hiding in plain Sight: Surge pricing and strategic providers
J Bai, HS Heese, M Tripathy
Production and Operations Management, 2023
Concealing borrowers’ failure history in online P2P lending: A natural experiment
J Bai, Q Gao
Decision Sciences, 2024
Interdisciplinary Research in Operations Management: Applications in Healthcare, Retailing and On-demand Service Platforms
J Bai
University of California, Irvine, 2017
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Articles 1–19