Ursula Witte
Ursula Witte
Professor of Biological Oceanography, University of Aberdeen
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A marine microbial consortium apparently mediating anaerobic oxidation of methane
A Boetius, K Ravenschlag, CJ Schubert, D Rickert, F Widdel, A Gieseke, ...
Nature 407 (6804), 623-626, 2000
Environmental impacts of the deep-water oil and gas industry: a review to guide management strategies
EE Cordes, DOB Jones, TA Schlacher, DJ Amon, AF Bernardino, ...
Frontiers in Environmental Science 4, 58, 2016
In situ experimental evidence of the fate of a phytodetritus pulse at the abyssal sea floor
U Witte, F Wenzhöfer, S Sommer, A Boetius, P Heinz, N Aberle, M Sand, ...
Nature 424 (6950), 763-766, 2003
In situ fluxes and zonation of microbial activity in surface sediments of the Håkon Mosby Mud Volcano
D de Beer, E Sauter, H Niemann, N Kaul, JP Foucher, U Witte, M Schlüter, ...
Limnology and Oceanography 51 (3), 1315-1331, 2006
Twenty thousand sterling under the sea: estimating the value of protecting deep-sea biodiversity
N Jobstvogt, N Hanley, S Hynes, J Kenter, U Witte
Ecological Economics 97, 10-19, 2014
Pore‐water advection and solute fluxes in permeable marine sediments (II): Benthic respiration at three sandy sites with different permeabilities (German Bight, North Sea)
F Janssen, M Huettel, U Witte
Limnology and Oceanography 50 (3), 779-792, 2005
Rapid response of a deep-sea benthic community to POM enrichment: an in situ experimental study
U Witte, N Aberle, M Sand, F Wenzhöfer
Marine Ecology Progress Series 251, 27-36, 2003
Benthic biogeochemistry: state of the art technologies and guidelines for the future of in situ survey
E Viollier, C Rabouille, SE Apitz, E Breuer, G Chaillou, K Dedieu, ...
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 285, 5-31, 2003
Europe's grand canyon Nazare submarine canyon
P TyLER, T Amaro, R ARzoLA, MR Cunha, HEN dE STIgTER, A Gooday, ...
Oceanography 22 (1), 46-57, 2009
The effect of flow speed and food size on the capture efficiency and feeding behaviour of the cold-water coral Lophelia pertusa
C Orejas, A Gori, C Rad-Menéndez, KS Last, AJ Davies, CM Beveridge, ...
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 481, 34-40, 2016
Decomposition of diatoms and nutrient dynamics in permeable North Sea sediments
S Ehrenhauss, U Witte, F Janssen, M Huettel
Continental Shelf Research 24 (6), 721-737, 2004
Deep-sea macrofauna exposed to a simulated sedimentation event in the abyssal NE Atlantic: in situ pulse-chase experiments using 13C-labelled phytodetritus
N Aberle, U Witte
Marine Ecology Progress Series 251, 37-47, 2003
Particle capture and deposition by deep-sea sponges from the Norwegian-Greenland Sea
U Witte, T Brattegard, G Graf, B Springer
Marine Ecology Progress Series 154, 241-252, 1997
Scavenger assemblages under differing trophic conditions: a case study in the deep Arabian Sea
F Janßen, T Treude, U Witte
Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography 47 (14), 2999-3026, 2000
Seasonal reproduction in deep-sea sponges-triggered by vertical particle flux?
U Witte
Marine Biology 124, 571-581, 1996
Absorption efficiencies and basal turnover of C, N and fatty acids in a marine Calanoid copepod
DJ Mayor, K Cook, B Thornton, P Walsham, UFM Witte, AF Zuur, ...
Functional Ecology 25 (3), 509-518, 2011
The microbial community structure of different permeable sandy sediments characterized by the investigation of bacterial fatty acids and fluorescence in situ hybridization
SI Bühring, M Elvert, U Witte
Environmental microbiology 7 (2), 281-293, 2005
Benthic-pelagic coupling in the Greenland-Norwegian Sea and its effect on the geological record
G Graf, SA Gerlach, P Linke, W Queisser, W Ritzrau, A Scheltz, ...
Geologische Rundschau 84, 49-58, 1995
Organic matter remineralization in marine sediments: A Pan‐Arctic synthesis
S Bourgeois, P Archambault, U Witte
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 31 (1), 190-213, 2017
Consumption of large carcasses by scavenger assemblages in the deep Arabian Sea: observations by baited camera
U Witte
Marine Ecology Progress Series 183, 139-147, 1999
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Articles 1–20