Igor Bufetov
Igor Bufetov
Prokhorov General Physics Institute of RAS, Dianov Fiber Optics Research Center
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Bi-doped fiber lasers
IA Bufetov, EM Dianov
Laser physics letters 6 (7), 487, 2009
Bi-Doped Optical Fibers and Fiber Lasers
IA Bufetov, MA Melkumov, SV Firstov, KE Riumkin, AV Shubin, VF Khopin, ...
Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics, IEEE Journal of 20 (5), 903815, 2014
Combined excitation-emission spectroscopy of bismuth active centers in optical fibers
SV Firstov, VF Khopin, IA Bufetov, EG Firstova, AN Guryanov, EM Dianov
Optics express 19 (20), 19551-19561, 2011
Bismuth-doped-glass optical fibers—a new active medium for lasers and amplifiers
VV Dvoyrin, VM Mashinsky, LI Bulatov, IA Bufetov, AV Shubin, ...
Optics letters 31 (20), 2966-2968, 2006
CW high power 1.24 µm and 1.48 µm Raman lasers based on low loss phosphosilicate fibre
EM Dianov, MV Grekov, IA Bufetov, SA Vasiliev, OI Medvedkov, ...
Electron. Lett 33 (18), 1542-1544, 1997
High-power cw bismuth-fiber lasers
EM Dianov, AV Shubin, MA Melkumov, OI Medvedkov, IA Bufetov
JOSA B 24 (8), 1749-1755, 2007
Bi-doped fiber lasers and amplifiers for a spectral region of 1300–1470 nm
IA Bufetov, SV Firstov, VF Khopin, OI Medvedkov, AN Guryanov, ...
Optics letters 33 (19), 2227-2229, 2008
Three-cascaded 1407-nm Raman laser based on phosphorus-doped silica fiber
EM Dianov, IA Bufetov, MM Bubnov, MV Grekov, SA Vasiliev, ...
Optics letters 25 (6), 402-404, 2000
Laser diode pumped bismuth-doped optical fiber amplifier for 1430 nm band
MA Melkumov, IA Bufetov, AV Shubin, SV Firstov, VF Khopin, ...
Optics letters 36 (13), 2408-2410, 2011
Hollow-core revolver fibre with a double-capillary reflective cladding
AF Kosolapov, GK Alagashev, AN Kolyadin, AD Pryamikov, AS Biryukov, ...
Quantum Electronics 46 (3), 267, 2016
Revolver hollow core optical fibers
IA Bufetov, AF Kosolapov, AD Pryamikov, AV Gladyshev, AN Kolyadin, ...
Fibers 6 (2), 39, 2018
Watt-Level Nanosecond 4.42- m Raman Laser Based on Silica Fiber
MS Astapovich, AV Gladyshev, MM Khudyakov, AF Kosolapov, ...
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 31 (1), 78-81, 2018
Optical gain and laser generation in bismuth-doped silica fibers free of other dopants
IA Bufetov, MA Melkumov, SV Firstov, AV Shubin, SL Semenov, ...
Optics letters 36 (2), 166-168, 2011
4.4-μm Raman laser based on hollow-core silica fibre
AV Gladyshev, AF Kosolapov, MM Khudyakov, YP Yatsenko, AN Kolyadin, ...
Quantum Electronics 47 (5), 491, 2017
Photodarkening of alumosilicate and phosphosilicate Yb-doped fibers
AV Shubin, MV Yashkov, MA Melkumov, SA Smirnov, IA Bufetov, ...
The European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics, CJ3_1, 2007
Bismuth-doped silica-based fiber lasers operating between 1389 and 1538 nm with output power of up to 22 W
AV Shubin, IA Bufetov, MA Melkumov, SV Firstov, OI Medvedkov, ...
Optics letters 37 (13), 2589-2591, 2012
Raman fiber laser
IA Bufetov, EM Dianov, AS Kurkov
US Patent 6,625,180, 2003
2 W bismuth doped fiber lasers in the wavelength range 1300–1500 nm and variation of Bi-doped fiber parameters with core composition
SV Firstov, IA Bufetov, VF Khopin, AV Shubin, AM Smirnov, LD Iskhakova, ...
Laser Physics Letters 6 (9), 665, 2009
Destruction of silica fiber cladding by the fuse effect
EM Dianov, IA Bufetov, AA Frolov
Optics Letters 29 (16), 1852-1854, 2004
High-speed photography, spectra, and temperature of optical discharge in silica-based fibers
EM Dianov, VE Fortov, IA Bufetov, VP Efremov, AE Rakitin, MA Melkumov, ...
IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 18 (6), 752-754, 2006
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Articles 1–20