Ruby Lee
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Cited by
Market-focused strategic flexibility: Conceptual advances and an integrative model
JL Johnson, RPW Lee, A Saini, B Grohmann
Journal of the academy of marketing science 31 (1), 74-89, 2003
Strategic responses to new technologies and their impact on firm performance
RP Lee, R Grewal
Journal of Marketing 68 (4), 157-171, 2004
Systems collaboration and strategic collaboration: their impacts on supply chain responsiveness and market performance
D Kim, RP Lee
Decision Sciences 41 (4), 955-981, 2010
Institutional open access at home and outward internationalization
SL Sun, MW Peng, RP Lee, W Tan
Journal of World Business 50 (1), 234-246, 2015
The influence of organic organizational cultures, market responsiveness, and product strategy on firm performance in an emerging market
Y Wei, S Samiee, RP Lee
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science 42, 49-70, 2014
Methodology in cross-cultural consumer research: A review and critical assessment
LYM Sin, GWH Cheung, R Lee
Journal of International Consumer Marketing 11 (4), 75-96, 1999
The impact of innovative culture on individual employees: The moderating role of market information sharing
Y Wei, H O'Neill, RP Lee, N Zhou
Journal of Product Innovation Management 30 (5), 1027-1041, 2013
The Immediate Impact of New Product Introductions on Stock Price: The Role of Firm Resources and Size*
RP Lee, Q Chen
Journal of Product Innovation Management 26 (1), 97-107, 2009
Zapping Behavior during Commercial Breaks
A Tse, R Lee
Journal of Advertising Research 41 (3), 25-30, 2001
Is product imitation good for firm performance? An examination of product imitation types and contingency factors
RP Lee, KZ Zhou
Journal of international marketing 20 (3), 1-16, 2012
Knowledge transfer between multinational corporations’ headquarters and their subsidiaries: Influences on and implications for new product outcomes
RP Lee, Q Chen, D Kim, JL Johnson
Journal of International Marketing 16 (2), 1-31, 2008
Extending the environment–strategy–performance framework: The roles of multinational corporation network strength, market responsiveness, and product innovation
RP Lee
Journal of International Marketing 18 (4), 58-73, 2010
Information use and new product outcomes: The contingent role of strategy type
AV Citrin, RP Lee, J McCullough
Journal of Product Innovation Management 24 (3), 259-273, 2007
Enhancing innovation through international joint venture portfolios: From the emerging firm perspective
SL Sun, RP Lee
Journal of International Marketing 21 (3), 1-21, 2013
Linking customer resources to firm success: The role of marketing program implementation
RP Lee, G Naylor, Q Chen
Journal of Business Research 64 (4), 394-400, 2011
The impact of network and environmental factors on service innovativeness
RP Lee, GO Ginn, G Naylor
Journal of Services Marketing 23 (6), 397-406, 2009
Host environmental uncertainty and equity-based entry mode dilemma: The role of market linking capability
CH Tseng, RP Lee
International Business Review 19 (4), 407-418, 2010
Implications of service processes outsourcing on firm value
RP Lee, D Kim
Industrial Marketing Management 39 (5), 853-861, 2010
Can knowledge transfer within MNCs hurt subsidiary performance? The role of subsidiary entrepreneurial culture and capabilities
J Li, RP Lee
Journal of World Business 50 (4), 663-673, 2015
Does it pay to be innovation and imitation oriented? An examination of the antecedents and consequences of innovation and imitation orientations
RP Lee, X Tang
Journal of Product Innovation Management 35 (1), 11-26, 2018
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Articles 1–20